Institute Seminar - Wednesday May 23rd Giske Ursin

The institute seminar on Wednesday May 23rd will be held by Giske Ursin, Director of the Cancer Registry of Norway.
Title of her talk: How can the Norwegian cancer registry improve our biological understanding of cancer and cancer care?
Time and place: 12.00, Auditorium, new research building, Montebello.
How can the Norwegian cancer registry improve our biological understanding of cancer and cancer care?
Giske Ursin, Director of the Cancer Registry of Norway
Cancer is becoming an increasingly complex disease. New biomarkers are identified that not only predict prognosis, but also suggest different etiological pathways for various cancer subtypes. This presentation will summarize what the status is at the Norwegian Cancer Registry, specifically what information is recorded at the registry and how this can be expanded.
The Cancer Registry of Norway is often fronted as a gold mine, or something that makes cancer research in our country unique. Some examples will be provided on the possibilities for registry research in Norway, specifically on the aspects that make us unique internationally, and that can help address biological questions.
Given the demand for rapid approvals of new cancer medications that have not been tested outside of clinical trials, there is a strong need for evaluations of effects of advanced cancer therapy in real life. The Cancer Registry could be used as a starting point for such studies – but we are not quite ready for this yet. The presentation should provide insight in what information is lacking and how this can be improved.
Cancer Registry of Norway
Institute Seminar overview, spring 2012