CCB seminar 14th of February at 13.00 hrs Kanutte Huse and Sascha Pust

Centre for Cancer Biomedicine (CCB) welcomes you to seminar containg lectures by Post doc Kanutte Huse from the Department of Immunology and Post doc Sascha Pust from the Department of Biochemistry at the Institute for Cancer Research.
Time and place: Tuesday the 14th of February at 13:00 hrs in the Auditorium in the Research Building at Montebello.
13.00 13.30: Lymphomas can escape the inhibitory effects of BMP seen in normal B cells
Kanutte Huse, Post doc, PhD - Department of Immunology, Institute for Cancer Research, The Norwegian Radium Hospital, Oslo University Hospital
13.30 14.00: Flotillin mediated stabilization of the receptor tyrosine kinase ErbB2
Sascha Pust, Post doc, PhD - Department of Biochemistry, Institute for Cancer Research, The Norwegian Radium Hospital, Oslo University Hospital
14.00: Refreshments in the lobby
Kanutte Huse's publications
Sascha Pust's publications
Department of Immunology
Department of Biochemistry
Centre for Cancer Biomedicine