Aiming at national support for targeted cancer therapy research

Oslo Cancer Cluster recently arranged their annual "Cancer Crosslinks Seminar". This year the subject was targeted cancer therapy. Among the lecturers was professor Ola Myklebost, senior researcher at the Department of Tumor Biology and leader of The Norwegian Cancer Genomics Consortium (NCGC).
2011 was the starting year for a governmental research programme for clinical cancer studies, administered by the Norwegian Research Council. The theme area for the announcement is "individually adapted cancer treatment". A sum amounting to 100 mill NOK will be distributed over a period of 5 years and 60 mill NOK was announced this autumn. The NCGS has applied for support for a research project spanning 3 years for studying genetic changes in tumors.
Article on the subject from "Dagens Medisin" (in Norwegian):
Vil ha nasjonal kreftsatsing
Home page of the Norwegian Cancer Genomics Consortium
Link to project presentation held at the Cancer Crosslinks seminar
Oslo Cancer Cluster
Ola Myklebost's group