The CarciNor Research Award 2011 to Sven-Petter Haugvik

The project involves an interdisciplinary collaboration between the Department of Gastrointestinal Surgery, the Department of Pathology and the Section for Cancer Cytogenetics at Oslo University Hospital.
The results of the study might lead to the identification of more accurate genomic predictors of neuroendocrine tumors of the gastroenteropancreatic system (GEP-NET). The identification of frequent genetic abnormalities by cytogenetic techniques may be of importance in the diagnosis and classification of GEP-NET and hence in the selection of more effective treatment. The award includes a grant of 50'000 NOK for the project, which will begin in January 2012.
About CarciNor:
CarciNor is a nationwide patient association that aims to offer support for patients and families affected by neuroendocrine tumors (NET). The association consists of around 500 members and is affiliated to The Norwegian Cancer Society.
Neuroendocrine tumors are often misdiagnosed. CarciNor is therefore working to raise awareness for NET in Norway by providing information on management- and treatment options. A main focus of the associations work lies on the establishment of self-help groups and communication between patients with similar experiences.
CarciNor does also support and promote research on NET through CarciNors Research Fund. In cooperation with the professional community, the association wants to encourage more and better research projects in order to ensure better diagnostics and treatment options for those affected by NET."
News article about the research prize 2011, from the CarciNor home page (in Norwegian)