The 2012 Anitschkow Prize in Atherosclerosis Research to Terje R. Pedersen

Presentation of the award and the Anitschkow Medal will take place at the Opening Ceremony of the 80th EAS Congress, Milan, Italy, May 25, 2012, where Professor Pedersen will present the Anitschkow Lecture.
From the news article from the EAS home page:
Prof. Pedersen has made outstanding scientific contributions to preventive cardiology. In his role as a clinical cardiologist and scientist he has led the evaluation of new therapies for coronary artery disease and, in particular, statin therapy. He is a true pioneer in preventive cardiology, and his rigorous approach to the evaluation of preventive treatments has transformed pharmacological management of cardiac patients in clinical practice - improving both quality of life for patients and saving many lives around the globe.
- The first major contribution he made to preventive care following myocardial infarction was the evaluation of prophylactic beta-blockade in the Norwegian Multicenter Study on Timolol after Myocardial Infarction, which led to the widespread use of beta-blockers following a heart attack to reduce the risk of recurrent disease and improve survival.
- This was followed by his role as Scientific Coordinator and Head of the Scandinavian Simvastatin Survival Study (4S) in 4444 patients across 5 Nordic countries which transformed international scientific attitudes towards the role of cholesterol and coronary artery disease, and led to routine prescription of statin in cardiological practice. Up until the 4S trial there was widespread scepticism towards the value of cholesterol lowering in secondary prevention. 4S was a true landmark trial which changed the whole paradigm of the cholesterol story.
- He followed this success with the IDEAL trial comprising of, 8888 patients, and which made an important contribution to our understanding of the efficacy and safety of more intensive lipid lowering therapy. He also contributed to the founding of the Cholesterol Trialists Collaboration in which his trials continue to play an important part.
- He subsequently led the SEAS trial in aortic stenosis evaluating a new drug, Ezetimibe in combination with Simvastatin, and as a seasoned trialist with a wealth of experience behind him he now contributes to a large number of contemporary clinical trials in preventive cardiology as a senior member of the Executive and Steering Committees.
- Professor Pedersen is currently an active preventive cardiologist and continues a wide range of ongoing research projects.
News article about the prize from the EAS home page
The European Atherosclerosis Society home page
Home page of EAS 2012, the 80th European Atherosclerosis Society Congress
Terje Rolf Pedersens publications
In Norwegian:
News article from the UiO web pages:
Internasjonal pris for arterioskleroseforskning