Evaluation of Biology, Medicine and Health Research in Norway

The Research Council of Norway (RCN) is given the task by the Ministry of Education and Research to perform subject-specific evaluations. The RCN has carried out a comprehensive evaluation of Norwegian research within biology, medicine and health in Norwegian universities, hospitals, university colleges and independent research institutes during 2010 and 2011.
Six Oslo University Hospital research units achieved the top grade "Excellent", and 11 were given "Very good to excellent".


Evaluation of Biology, Medicine and Health Research in Norway (2011) Report of the principal evaluation committee (pdf format)

From the web pages of the Research Council of Norway (in Norwegian):
Evaluering av biologisk, medisinsk og helsefaglig forskning: Mange sterke miljøer – kunne vært enda flere

Due to the large span in disciplines and the number of scientific groups involved, seven international panels of experts were established. Click to open each of the reports (PDF format, in English)

Panel 1 Botany, Zoology and Ecology-related Disciplines (no OUS groups in this panel)
Panel 2 Physiology-related Disciplines
Panel 3 Molecular Biology
Panel 4a Clinical Research – Selected Disciplines
Panel 4b Clinical Research – Selected Disciplines
Panel 5 Public Health and Health-related Research
Panel 6 Psychology and Psychiatry

Summary of grading for OUS units, taken from the individual pdf documents above.
(To read the complete evaluation reports: click on the links)

Evaluation report panel 2
Division of Diagnostics and Intervention 
 PathologyGood to Excellent
Evaluation report panel 3
Division of Diagnostics and Intervention 
 Department of Medical GeneticsVery Good to Excellent
 Department of MicrobiologyExcellent.
 Department of ImmunologyExcellent.
 Department of Medical BiochemistryGood.
Evaluation report panel 4A
Division of Critical Care  
 Perioperative MedicineVery good
 Acute Prehospital MedicineExcellent
 Pain managementVery good
Division of Surgery and Clinical Neuroscience 
 Department of OrthopedicsExcellent
 Department of OphthalmologyGood - Very good
 Department of Ear, Nose, and ThroatFair
 Department of Physical Medicine and RehabilitationGood - Very good
 Department of NeurosurgeryVery good - Excellent
Women and Children's Division 
 Gynecology and ObstetricsVery good - Excellent
 PediatricsGood - Very good
 PerinatalmedicineVery good
Division of Surgery and Cancer Medicine 
 Oncology and Medical PhysicsVery good - Excellent
 The Surgical DepartmentsVery good - Excellent
 Institute for Cancer ResearchVery good - Excellent
 Institute for Medical InformaticsVery good - Excellent
Division of Specialized Medicine and Surgery 
 Gastrointestinal CancerGood
 Norwegian Paediatric Surgery Research GroupFair
Division of Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Diseases 
 Vascular researchWeak
 Cardiothoracic researchFair - Good
Division of Diagnostics and Intervention 
 The Intervention CenterVery good - excellent
Evaluation report panel 4B
Division of Medicine  
 Internal medicineFair to good.
 Department of infectious diseaseGood
 Department of gastroenterology 
 Nursing researchGood
 GastroenterologyGood to very good
 Department of endocrinologyGood to very good
Division of Specialised Medicine and Surgery 
 HaematologyGood to very good
 Inflammation and ImmunogeneticsVery good to excellent
 Transplantation ResearchGood to very good
 RheumatologyVery good.
 Dermatology/VenereologyWeak but with chances of improvement
Division of Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Diseases 
 Cardiac Research 
 Institute of experimental Medicine: Excellent
 Department of Cardiology: Good to excellent
 Cardiothoracic and Vascular surgery: Fair to Good
 Pulmonary Research 
 Pulmonary research as a whole: Fair.
 Occupational medicine in particular: Good.
Division of Surgery and Clinical Neuroscience 
 Department of NeurologyGood with the potential to become excellent with more focus.
Division of Diagnostics and Intervention 
 Department of Radiology and Nuclear MedicineFair to good.
Evaluation report panel 5
Institute of Clinical Medicine 
 Center for Shared Decision Making and Nursing ResearchVery Good.
 Unit of Biostatistics and EpidemiologyThis is a newly formed group, about to be reorganized, so the Panel has decided not to grade the unit.
Evaluation report panel 6
Division of Surgery and Clinical Neuroscience 
 Neuropsychiatry and Psychosomatic MedicineFair to Good
 Division ofMental Health and Addiction 
 Personality Psychiatry ResearchGood
 Norwegian Centre for Addiction ResearchVery Good
 Traumatic Stress ResearchGood
 Child and Adolescent Psychiatric ResearchFair
 Psychosis Research CentreExcellent
 Forensic Psychiatric ResearchGood
 Psychotherapy ResearchGood to Very Good