Dr. Ragnar Mørk legacy prize 2011 to Camilla Raiborg

The Ragnar Mørk's Legacy prize for 2011 went to Camilla Raiborg. This award is distributed annually to a scientist who has achieved important results.
The ceremony took place on Friday November 11th in the Research Building at Montebello. Raiborg gave a lecture about the research activities that has earned her the award.
Now updated with photos from the ceremony.

Raiborg is currently a project leader in Harald Stenmark´s group at the Institute for Cancer Research and Centre for Cancer Biomedicine.

Camilla Raiborg receives Dr. Mørk´s prize for 2011 for her outstanding research on mechanisms of downregulation of growth factor receptors.

Raiborg has been central in the identification and functional characterization of the mammalian endosomal sorting complex required for transport (ESCRT) machinery. She showed that a key component of this machinery, HRS, is recruited to endosomes via binding to the membrane lipid phosphatidylinositol 3-phosphate (Raiborg et al., Journal of Cell Science, 2001). A key finding was her discovery that HRS binds ubiquitinated membrane proteins in endosome membranes and mediates their targeting to the lysosome for degradation (Raiborg et al., Nature Cell Biology, 2002). She also showed that HRS recruits the coat protein clathrin to endosomes (Raiborg et al., EMBO Journal 2001), and that this causes concentration of the ESCRT machinery to facilitate efficient cargo sorting (Raiborg et al., Journal of Cell Science 2006). Importantly, both HRS and more downstream components of the ESCRT machinery are required for ligand-mediated downregulation of epidermal growth factor receptors (Raiborg et al., Experimental Cell Research, 2008), which is interesting in light of the well-known fact that too high levels of these receptors are associated with cancer development. Raiborg´s leading role in studies of the ESCRT machinery is illustrated by the fact that she has been contributing reviews and commentaries on this topic in top journals such as Nature (2009) and Science (2011).

About the award:
The late Torleif Mørk did in his will leave parts of his fortune to the establishment of a legacy in his father's name, Dr. Ragnar Mørk. The Legacy was established to promote the cancer research at the Norwegian Radium Hospital. As part of this support, the Board of the legacy has decided to annually award a researcher who has achieved important results in his/her research. The award is personal, and amounts to NOK 200.000. 

Photos from the ceremony:



Camille Raiborg is gratulated by Sjur Olsnes
(photo: Chema Bassols)

Camilla Raiborg has received the prize from Harald Stenmark (photo: Chema Bassols) 

From left: board leder of the Ragnar Mørk legacy Carl Rieber-Mohn, Harald Stenmark, Camilla Raiborg and Sjur Olsnes (photo Peter Wiedswang)
Stenmark and Raiborg (photo Peter Wiedswang) 


Camilla Raiborg's publications

Camilla Raiborg & Hilde Abrahamsen's project group - Membrane-associated protein dynamics in cell division

Harald Stenmark's group - Intracellular communication 

Centre for Cancer Biomedicine

Department of Biochemistry

Institute for Cancer Research

Previous years winners of the Ragnar Mørks' legacy prize:

2010: Heidi Lyng
2009: Rolf I. Skotheim
2008: Tor Erik Rusten
2007: Anne Simonsen
2006: Bjørn Naume
2005: Gunhild Mælandsmo
2004: Mouldy Sioud

2003: Ragnhild A. Lothe
2002: Antoni Wiedlocha
2001: Eivind Hovig

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