The Norwegian Research Council signs Grant Agreement with Oslo University Hospital

This contract secures the Center 10 million NOK in annual support from the RCN, for a period of up to 8 years with a total budget of over 200 million NOK. The Center aims to make significant advances in the management of patients with serious cardiac pathologies, such as heart failure, as well as persons at risk for sudden cardiac arrest.
From news article covering the event published on the CCI home page:
The Center aims to make significant advances in the management of patients with serious cardiac pathologies, such as heart failure, as well as persons at risk for sudden cardiac arrest.
The Center will combine ultrasound imaging with computer-based modeling and simulation of the heart to provide diagnostics and treatment planning in a manner which is otherwise impossible. The ultimate goal of this research is to develop novel methods and solutions that can be integrated into next-generation ultrasound equipment, which can be made available to and improve care for patients worldwide.
The Center will be led by Professor Thor Edvardsen at Oslo University Hospital. Edvardsen is a cardiologist and leads a world-renowned research group in ultrasound-based cardiac diagnostics. "This Center will bring us a step further when it comes to revealing the underlying heart disease earlier and to finding the best possible treatment for patients with rhythm disturbances," says Professor Edvardsen. "It also gives us a unique opportunity to develop an even closer cooperation with both developing ultrasound technology for GE Vingmed Ultrasound and with heart-simulation environment at Simula Research Laboratory", he continues.
The extensive research program planned for the CCI will be executed in concert with aforementioned partners and coordinated by Eigil Samset at GE Vingmed Ultrasound. "The Center for Cardiological Innovation will be able to bring forward solutions and products that both save lives and save the community money. It's motivating to be working with something that will mean so much to so many, and especially when we know that the result will be patients worldwide benefit through our products, "says Samset.
Center for Cardiological Innovation home page
News article published at the Norwegian Research Council's home page (in Norwegian):
"Ny ultralyd skal redde hjertepasienter"