Trial lecture and disputation October 27-28th
Kristine Gulliksrud
Siv. ing. Kristine Gulliksrud from Einar Rofstad's group at the Department of Radiation Biology at the Institute for Cancer Research will give her trial lectures on Thursday October 27th. The lecture over the subject of her own choice - "Assessment of tumor pH by magnetic resonance spectroscopy and imaging" starts at 14:15. The given subject is "Therapeutic approaches for dealing with the hypoxia problem", and this lecture begins at 15:15. Both trial lectures take place in the Auditorium in the Research Therapy Building at the OUS-Radiumhospitalet, Montebello. She will defend her PhD thesis - entitled "DCE-MRI in assessment of the microenvironment and aggressiveness of human tumor xenografts" the following day, on Friday October 28th at 10:15. The disputation takes place in the "Lille Fysiske auditorium, Fysikkbygningen" at the University of Oslo.
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