Successful nanoparticle research attracts attention

T-G Iversen
T-G Iversen
The research on nanoparticles and their cellular interactions performed by Tore-Geir Iversen and his colleagues at the Centre for Cancer Biomedicine has gained considerable international attention after an intereview with Iversen entitled “Nanoparticles can hinder intracellular transport” was published on the web pages for the Norwegian Research Council. The story has been picked up by Web Portals such as Science Daily, Health Canal, Medical News and Nanowerk.


The article from the web pages of the Norwegian Research Coucil:
Nanoparticles can hinder intracellular transport

Various international articles on nanoparticle research:

Science Daily

Health Canal

Medical News


Tore-Geir Iversens publications

Department of Biochemistry

Centre for Cancer Biomedicine

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