Centre of Excellence mid-term evaluation: Centre for Cancer Biomedicine and Centre for Immune Regulation ranked "exceptionally good"

The international evaluation panel, led by professor Sten Grillner (Nobel Institute for Neurophysiology, Karolinska Institute; previous chairman of the Nobel Committee for Physiology or Medicine), concluded that "CCB is delivering, at a very high level, what is expected from a national CoE - clear international scientific impact combined with a societal impact in the form of better cancer patient care." Likewise, the panel concluded that "CIR has delivered frontier research and applications at a very high level. The fundamental and application-oriented groups have found a very fruitful way of working together, augmenting in a reciprocal way each others research agendas."
Complete evaluation report from The Norwegian Research Council (pdf format)
Centre for Cancer Biomedicine (CCB)
Centre for Immune Regulation (CIR)