Belgian research prize open for nominations

The "A. Gagna & Ch Van Heck Prize", consisting of 75.000 Euro, will be awarded to a scientist or a medical doctor, in recognition of a body of research work which has contributed to the treatment of a disease currently incurable, or which has raised hopes for curing the disease.
The prize is distributed every third year only. It is now possible to nominate candidates.

Download rules and complete information regarding the nomination process (pdf format)

About the FNRS:

Le Fonds de la Recherche Scientifique (FNRS) is the Belgian Agency responsible for the development of research into the Sciences in the French speaking regions of Belgium. The Agency works closely with the Belgian Universities and covers each of the scientific domains through its various Grant Programmes.

The task of the FNRS is to stimulate the development of new knowledge in all scientific disciplines. The means to achieve this, is to finance excellent scientists and research projects after an inter-University competition and with an evaluation by foreign experts. The criterion for support is the scientific quality of the scientist and the research proposal, irrespective of scientific discipline.

The National Fund for Scientific Research (NFSR) was founded on 2 June 1928 after a call by king Albert I of Belgium for more resources for scientific research.


National Fund for Scientific Research (Wikipedia)

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