Popular science article from Moan and Juzeniene Why Skin Colours Differ

A popular science article entitled "Why skin colours differ", authored by Johan Moan and Asta Juzeniene from the Department of Radiation Biology at the Institute for Cancer research, has recently been published in the "Insight" section of the major national newspaper Aftenposten, as well as in the University of Oslo web pages.
The text is here available in an English version.
The article in Norwegian:
Derfor er hudfargen forskjellig (from Aftenposten.no Innsikt, March 2011)
Derfor er hudfargen forskjellig (from the research section of the University of Oslo web pages)
English version
Why skin colour differ - download in Word format
(or read the text below)
Home page of Johan Moans research group - Biophysics and PDT Group