Postdoc Forum, Tuesday 15 March, at 14.00-15.00

The next Postdoc Forum meeting will take place on Tuesday, 15 March, 14.00-15.00, in the meeting room in the 4th floor.
The focus of this meeting will be on microscopy.
14.00-14.30 |
Ellen Skarpen |
Presentation of the Confocal Microscopy Core Facility at the Radium Hospital
14.30-14.45 |
Nina Marie Pedersen |
High-throughput imaging |
14.45-15.00 |
Andreas Brech |
Electron microscopy |
Coffee and cakes will be served.
The Postdoc Forum is an arena for bringing together postdoctoral researchers (postdocs and scientists) at the Radium Hospital, to facilitate discussions and promote new collaborations across disciplines. The Postdoc Forum meetings are held 2-3 times each semester, and are organized by the Centre for Cancer Biomedicine (CCB). All postdoctoral researchers at the Radium Hospital are welcome to attend these meetings.
The Postdoc Forum
Centre for Cancer Biomedicine