Article on treatment of acute stroke with angiotensin-receptor blocker published in Lancet

An article first authored by Else Charlotte Sandset from the departments internal medicine, haematology and cardiology is first author on an article recently published in the prestigious journal Lancet (journal impact factor 30.8).
The article is entitled "The angiotensin-receptor blocker candesartan for treatment of acute stroke (SCAST): a randomised, placebo-controlled, double-blind trial" and the results were presented at the International Stroke Conference held in Los Angeles February 9-11.
From the abstract:
Candesartan is an angiotensin II receptor antagonist used mainly for the treatment of hypertension
Raised blood pressure is common in acute stroke, and is associated with an increased risk of poor outcomes. We aimed to examine whether careful blood-pressure lowering treatment with the angiotensin-receptor blocker candesartan is beneficial in patients with acute stroke and raised blood pressure.
There was no indication that careful blood-pressure lowering treatment with the angiotensin-receptor blocker candesartan is beneficial in patients with acute stroke and raised blood pressure. If anything, the evidence suggested a harmful effect.
The angiotensin-receptor blocker candesartan for treatment of acute stroke (SCAST): a randomised, placebo-controlled, double-blind trial.
Sandset EC, Bath PM, Boysen G, Jatuzis D, Kõrv J, Lüders S, Murray GD, Richter PS, Roine RO, Terént A, Thijs V, Berge E; on behalf of the SCAST Study Group.
Lancet. 2011 Feb 11. [Epub ahead of print]
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