Two new books from Manish Kakar

Manish Kakar from the Department of Radiation Biology at the Institute for Cancer Research has during 2010 put out two books on Lambert Academic Publishing. They are entitled "Intelligent and Adaptive Systems in Cancer Biomedicine: Methods and Applications" and "Tracking and positional accuracies of GPS integrated in rockets: Theory and Applications".
Kakar's development of an intelligent computer model by using artificial intelligence in order to follow the movements of tumors during radiation treatment has previously this year attracted attention.
Department of Radiation Biology
Read more about the books (both available from
Intelligent and Adaptive Systems in Cancer Biomedicine: Methods and Applications - Paperback
Tracking and positional accuracies of GPS integrated in rockets: Theory and Applications - Paperback
Previous news about Manish Kakar from
Manish Kakar's intelligent computer model for following tumor movements attracts media attention
Manish Kakar presented on popular Institute of Physics web page
Apollon Fysikk Spesial - popular science magazine from UiO (in Norwegian), where serveral researchers from the Department of Radiation Biology are presented