June 24-25, 2010 RECOMB Satellite Workshop on Computational Cancer Biology

This workshop brings together leading researchers in the mathematical, computational and life sciences to discuss cutting edge cancer research. The emphasis of all contributed work will be on applying statistical and algorithmic approaches to improve our understanding of cancer and on the development of useful, effective and efficient new methods in this area.
Keynote speakers include David Botstein (Princeton University) (photo), Joe W. Gray (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory), Rachel Karchin (Johns Hopkins University), Gordon B. Mills (The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center), Yosef Yarden (The Weizmann Institute of Science) and Alfonso Valencia (Spanish National Cancer Research Centre)
The workshop is held in conjunction with The 21st Meeting of the European Association for Cancer Research.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to
- Gene and protein expression data analysis in cancer
- Analysis of copy number variation
- Statistical genetics of cancer
- Biomarkers & cancer signatures
- Models of cancer progression or development
- The role of miRNA and other non coding RNAs in cancer
- Computational epigentics
- Inference of cancer networks e.g. signaling networks
- Integrative approaches to understanding cancer
Second Annual RECOMB Satellite Workshop on Computational Cancer Biology home page