Lectures available via Web TV: Meeting on "Norwegian genes" held at the Radium hospital

An open interdisciplinary meeting entitled "Norwegian genes" ("Norske gener") was held in the new research building at the Norwegian Radium Hospital at Montebello May 27-28th. Talks were given by a large number of distinguished lecturers on a wide range of themes related to the main subject. Opening words were given by State Secretary Ragnhild Mathisen from the Ministry of Health and Care Services.
The meeting was arranged by the Norwegian Biotechnology Advisory Board and geneticists from Oslo and Trondheim, with Eivind Hovig from the Dept. of Tumor Biology at the Institute for Cancer Reseach as primus motor. It was supported by S. K. Thorsen's legat.
All the lectures are available via Web TV (most talks are in Norwegian)
Overview showing all lectures available via Web TV
(NB - may be sorted by date or presenter)
Program (from the Norwegian Biotechnology Advisory Board home page)
Example of Web TV broadcast: "Nordic population structure - the example of Finland", by Karola Rehnström, Institute for Molecular Medicine Finland (FIMM), University of Helsinki, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute
(click on image below to open Web TV broadcast)