Institute seminar May 19th 10.30 Jostein Dahle

The institute seminar on Wednesday May 19th is given by Jostein Dahle from the Department of Radiation Biology.
Title of his talk: Targeted therapy of cancer with alpha and beta-emitting radioimmunoconjugates
The seminar takes place in Auditorium (New Research Building Montebello) and starts at 10:30.
The importance of treating cancer dissemination is illustrated by the fact that more than 45% of patients diagnosed with cancer will succumb to their disease principally due to metastases. Despite improvements in early diagnosis, surgical techniques, general patient care, and local and systemic adjuvant therapies, most cancer deaths result from metastases that are resistant to conventional therapies. In many patients, surgical excision of the primary neoplasm is not curative because the tumor has already metastasized at the time of operation.
The main drawback with conventional treatments of cancer metastases and disseminated cancer, such as external beam radiation and chemotherapy, is the lack of cellular specificity, i.e., healthy normal tissue is damaged before curative dosage is obtained at the cancer site. Radioimmunotherapy (RIT), i.e. treatment with radioactively labeled monoclonal antibodies that emits radiation against cancer from within the human body, is emerging as a new modality in cancer therapy. RIT utilizes alpha or beta particle radiation with limited range, thereby maximizing exposure of cancer tissue while minimizing exposure of healthy surrounding tissues.
Home page of Jostein Dahle's project group