"Research project of the month" from The Norwegian Cancer Society to Kristian Berg

The Norwegian Cancer Society has this year introduced the series "Research project of the month". The project obtaining attention in April is directed by Kristian Berg from the Department of Radiation Biology at the Institute for Cancer Research.
In the article published on the web site of the Cancer Society (in Norwegian) entitled "A lot can be done with ligt", Berg's research is given the following introduction: "The combination of light and medicine may play an important part in the cancer treatment of the future. Light may contribute in targeting drugs to the tumor, thereby shielding healthy areas."
Presentation of "Research project of the month" from the web pages of The Norwegian Cancer Society:
Mye kan gjøres med lys ("A lot may be done with light") (in Norwegian)
Home page of Kristian Berg's group - Photochemical Internalisation
Department of Radiation Biology
Institute for Cancer Research