Manish Kakar's intelligent computer model for following tumor movements attracts media attention

Manish Kakar from the Department of Radiation Biology at the Institute for Cancer Research has developed an intelligent computer model by using artificial intelligence, making it possible to follow the movements of tumors during radiation treatment, implying lower radiation doses, less side effects and a more precise treatment. His findings has recently been covered extensively in Norwegian media in the fields of research and health.
Radiation treatment may harm healty lung tissue in patients with breast cancer and lung cancer.
Kakar's important findings has been covered extensively in feature articles both in the University of Oslo research magazine Apollon, in the health authority newspaper "Dagens Medisin" and on the popular web page "
All that he requires now is funding and a project group.
To the coverage in various research and health web pages:
Dagens Medisin - Ny metode forbedrer strålebehandling
Apollon - Ny strålebehandling følger pustebevegelsen - Ny strålebehandling følger pustebevegelsen