Description of Position: Professor II (20 % position) in Physics in the Section for Biophysics and Medical Physics, Department of Physics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Oslo, combined with a 100% position as Department Head at Oslo University Hospital

The Department of Physics has a vacant position as Adjunct Professor in Biophysics and Medical Physics. For qualified candidates this part-time position (20%) is combined with a 100% position as Department Head and Group Leader at Department of Radiation Biology (DRB), Institute for Cancer Research (ICR), Division of Cancer Medicine, Oslo University Hospital (OUH).

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Relating to the main position:

ICR conducts cutting-edge cancer research ranging from basic cancer biology to translational and clinical research. It is the leading cancer research institute in Norway, and has a strong international standing. The mission of the DRB is to improve the outcome of cancer treatment by radiation-based strategies. The Department and the ICR aim to strengthen their research with additional expertise in preclinical proton therapy research and is now seeking a highly motivated and enthusiastic individual for a tenured Department Head and Group Leader position in radiation biology research.

The successful candidate is expected to establish a research group in preclinical proton therapy based on the facilities in the new Proton Therapy Centre. This Proton therapy research group is expected to perform experimental and preclinical research to better understand the interaction of protons with biological matter and translate the research into better utilization of protons for treatment of cancer. The candidate ́s research should be well aligned with the current research in DRB, at the ICR at large and in the OUH Comprehensive Cancer Centre as well as with the environment at Department of Physics, UiO.

Relating to the adjunct position:

The Department Head position at ICR will be combined with a part-time adjunct Professor II position (20%) at the Section for Biophysics and Medical Physics (BMP), Department of Physics, University of Oslo (UiO).

The University of Oslo is Norway’s oldest and highest ranked educational and research institution, with 28 000 students and 7500 employees. With its broad range of academic disciplines and internationally recognized research communities, UiO is an important contributor to society.

The research at the Department of Physics covers a broad range of subfields within physics and technology: From space research to medical physics. A good proportion of the research is interdisciplinary, and conducted in close cooperation with collaborators in Norway and abroad. Education and teaching are other essential activities.

The Department of Physics offer a broad range of courses and is involved in several study programmes at bachelor’s and master’s level. Some of the best lecturers in Norway are amongst our employees, and we are proud of our prizewinning teaching and learning environment. The Department has approximately 200 employees, of which 45 are permanent scientific positions. On a yearly basis 20 students complete their Ph.D. and 50 finish their M.Sc. degree.

BMP is one the Sections at the Department of Physics, with a staff of about 15. The research spans from applied experimental research to theoretical and experimental fundamental research with main focus on radiation physics and radiation biology. The experimental facilities at BMP include cell laboratories, hypoxia chambers, an electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy laboratory, an X-ray facility, and a cell irradiation system for protons at Oslo Cyclotron Laboratory (Department of Physics). BMP educates Medical Physicists in close collaboration with OUH and the Norwegian Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority (Direktoratet for Strålevern og Atomsikkerhet, DSA).

The main position and the part time position are combined. It is a requisition that the position holder attends to both positions. If the main position is left, the part time position must also be vacated. If the holder is granted leave from the main position, the decision of whether the part time position can be held will be evaluated by the Head of Institute.

The Professor appointed will lead and initiate research, supervise researchers, participate in teaching students and research fellows and undertake duties in connection with examinations, as well as undertaking administrative tasks as required. The person appointed is expected to participate in assessment committees for PhD theses,assessment committees regarding appointments and competence promotions, and to take the role as acting dean in disputations.

Applicants, who at the time of appointment cannot provide documentary evidence of basic teaching competence, must acquire such competence in the course of a period of three years. Rules for the assessment and weighting of pedagogical competence for appointments to permanent academic posts which include teaching duties: competence.html

The top candidates will be invited to present their research in a talk and interview, and are asked to provide a more detailed research plan as well as names of references. An International Search Committee will evaluate the scientific profile of the candidates. The candidate may be nominated in Q4 of 2022 with an anticipated starting date Q1 2023.

The University of Oslo wishes to appoint more women to permanent academic positions. The University of Oslo also wishes to appoint more people from ethnic minorities to permanent academic positions. Women and minorities are encouraged to apply.

The University of Oslo has an intellectual property agreement that applies to all employees, with the aim of securing rights to research results.

Qualifications in the adjunct position:

An excellent and enthusiastic scientist is sought to be part of one of Europe's most active radiation biology departments.

The candidate should hold a PhD in physics or a related discipline and have strong expertise in experimental and translational radiotherapy. Experience with research on ionizing radiation and proton therapy research is preferred. The candidate should have a track record in cancer research. Applicants must have an excellent publication record and documented ability to secure substantial research funding, including international funding.

Contribution to excellence in research will correspond in quantity and quality to the position applied for, with documented evidence of high-level competence, obtained results and an independent standing with high international visibility. The appointed candidate will initiate, identify sources of funding, develop and manage an independent scientific programme, within the broader area of radiation biology and specifically in preclinical proton therapy research, usually and desirably in collaboration with other colleagues of ICR and Dept. of Physics, in Norway and internationally. The candidate should present a clear future research strategy, preferably including plans for utilizing the pre-clinical infrastructure at the new proton therapy center at OUH. She/he will contribute to the strategic research leadership of ICR. In her/his professor position, which corresponds on average to one day a week, the candidate will do research, teach, advise other researchers and supervise students. The role holder must be an excellent teacher who motivates students and colleagues and leads them pedagogically through relevant biomedical themes with relation to radiation biology and biophysics and medical physics. As an adviser, she/he will be able to recommend state-of-the-art approaches and tools to scientists in the field who require support. Collaboration within and outside OUH and UiO are expected, to complete and advance research projects, including developing new contacts and collaborations with leading research groups and participating and developing international networks.

The basis of assessment of the applicants by the evaluation committee will include their scientific, professional, advising, supervising and teaching qualifications, together with their qualifications in management and administration. As part of the ranking of qualified applicants, particular weight will be attached to qualifications that are central to this announcement and job description. Recent qualifications will carry more weight than older qualifications. Originality and innovation will be given priority before volume, and recent publications will be weighted higher than older. In the final review and recommendation, emphasis will be laid on skills related to the job description, the evaluation done by the assessment committee, evaluation of personal suitability for the position based on interviews and references obtained, ability to disseminate scientific knowledge, plans for further research and ambitions for his/her role in OUH and UiO.

Reference is also given to “" Rules for appointment to Professor and Associate Professor positions at UiO" s”: appointment-professor.html

Applications are to be filed through OUH according to the call for the main position.

Application deadline June 27, 2022

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For questions or additional information please contact the Head of ICR, OUH Kjetil Taskén ( or with respect to the adjunct position, the Head of Biophysics and Medical Physics, Dept of Physics, UiO, Nina Edin (

Date: March 28, 2022
Susanne F. Viefers, Professor and Head, Department of Physics, UiO

Nina Jeppesen Edin, Associate Professor and Section Head, Section for Biophysics and Medical Physics, Department of Physics, UiO

Kjetil Taskén, Professor, Director and Head, ICR, OUH

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