Hilde Wøien

  • Professor

Research areas and ongoing projects:

Ongoing projects:

‘Nurse-Led early functional and cognitive Stimulation to prevent long-term adverse outcomes in Intensive Care patients – The NLS-ICU study. Marie Oxenbøll Collett, postdoc and part of the milieu at the Collaboration for Research in Intensive Care (CRIC) is the principal investigator. I am the Norwegian collaborator and coordinator

World delirium day WDAD study. A study conducted in march 2023 and that aim to be repeated every year and developed further. Research group: Primary Investigator Dr. Rebecca von Haken, University Hospital Mannheim, participating researchers;  Dr. Heidi Lindroth, RN PhD, Mayo Clinic Rochester, USA,  Dr. Keibun Liu, MD PhD, Intensive Care Collaboration Network, Tokyo, Dr. Peter Nydahl, Nursing Research and development, University Hospital of Schleswig-Holstein, Kiel, Germany, and national study coordinators. I am the Norwegian coordinator for this research group.             

Teamwork analytics for training collaborative problem solving in professional higher education (TeamLearn). PI: associate professor Crina Damsa, UiO, Norway. I am member of the project group  where multiprofessional learning in higher education is the focus.

Preventing Risks of Pharmacotherapy: TEAching Multidisciplinary is the key  PI: Jorie Versmissen, MD PhD; internist-clinical pharmacologist; master coordinator Internal Medicine, ERASMUS MC, Netherland. As the leader of SamPraks (Interprofessional education modul at UiO) I am associated project member.

Grant applications this autumn 2023:

 The Captain study’. Project leader: Andreas Barratt-Due, MD, PhD, Oslo University Hospital. I am one of the collaborator with special focus on sedation and delirium.

Precision sedation in intensive care ’. The Steering Committee consists of Theresa Olasveengen, MD, PhD (Principal and Site Investigator, UUS), Luis Romundstad, MD, PhD, (Site Investigator, RH) Hilde Wøien, RN, PhD and Ivan Rimstad, MD



Ongoing Phd-projects

  1. Communicating quality indicators via Social Media as a strategy to optimize Critical Care. Main supervisor for doctoral student Antonija Petosic OUS
  2. Intensive care nurses core qualities. Supervisor for doctoral student Kjersti Forbech Henriksen USN 
  3. After and beyond the COVID-19 pandemic: - turnover intention and retention of healthcare workers in intensive care. Main supervisor for phd student Anniken Maamoen


Doctoral students: Antonija Petosic- OUS, Kjersti Forbech Henriksen- USN, Anniken Maaemoen - OUS 

Research environment:

At OUS: Senior consultant Andreas Barratt-Due, associate professor Luis Romundstad, professor Kjetil Sunde, professor Theresa Olasveengen, Phd Anne Kathrine Langerud, Phd Kari Sørensen

At UiO: Professor Emerita Ida Torunn Bjørk, Institute of Health and Society, associate professor Liv Mathiesen- Institute of Pharmacy, associate professor Line Kildal Bragstad

At Norwegian Center for Violence and Traumatic Stress Studies (NKVTS): PhD Kristina Bondjers, senior reseacher Synne Tøien Stensland and professor Grete Dyb

At USN: Professor Emerita Britt Sætre Hansen, professor Lena Heyn

Others:  Professor Hans Flaatten Haukeland/UiB; Professor Dmitri Beeckman, Ghent University, Belgium, Dr. Peter Nydahl, Nursing Research and development, University Hospital of Schleswig-Holstein, Kiel, Germany, Post doctor Marie Oxenbøll Collett, the Collaboration for Research in Intensive Care (CRIC)






Publications 2024

Bondjers K, Glad AK, Wøien H, Wentzel-Larsen T, Atar D, Reitan SK, Rosseland LA, Zwart JA, Dyb G, Stensland SØ (2024)
Moral distress and protective work environment for healthcare workers during public health emergencies
BMC Med Ethics, 25 (1), 103
DOI 10.1186/s12910-024-01098-w, PubMed 39354454

Glad KA, Wøien H, Stensland SØ, Reitan SK, Zwart JAH, Atar D, Dyb G, Bondjers K (2024)
Health care workers' qualitative descriptions of ethically challenging situations evoking moral distress during Covid-19
Nurs Ethics, 31 (8), 1709-1721
DOI 10.1177/09697330241257567, PubMed 38855850

Hella MNP, Evensen S, Rudi E, Norum HM, Wøien H, Wyller TB, Neerland BE (2024)
[Not Available]
Tidsskr Nor Laegeforen, 144 (1)
DOI 10.4045/tidsskr.24.0299, PubMed 39835873

Publications 2023

Bondjers K, Lingaas I, Stensland S, Atar D, Zwart JA, Wøien H, Dyb G (2023)
"I've kept going" - a multisite repeated cross-sectional study of healthcare workers' pride in personal performance during the COVID-19 pandemic
BMC Health Serv Res, 23 (1), 322
DOI 10.1186/s12913-023-09246-5, PubMed 37004056

Collet MO, Laerkner E, Jensen J, Egerod I, Christensen J, Jørgensen NK, Kjaergaard RS, Olausson S, Wøien H, Lange T, Nielsen AH, Kjaer MN, Bruun CRL, Perner A (2023)
Functional and cognitive rehabilitation interventions during intensive care admission: A protocol for a systematic integrative review
Acta Anaesthesiol Scand, 67 (5), 670-674
DOI 10.1111/aas.14214, PubMed 36764675

Flæten ØØ, Stafseth SK, Vinje H, Johansen E, Sunde K, Wøien H, Beeckman D, Petosic A (2023)
Incidence, characteristics, and associated factors of pressure injuries acquired in intensive care units over a 12-month period: A secondary analysis of a quality improvement project
Intensive Crit Care Nurs, 81, 103587
DOI 10.1016/j.iccn.2023.103587, PubMed 38029679

Petosic A, Berntzen H, Beeckman D, Flaatten H, Sunde K, Wøien H (2023)
Use of Facebook in a quality improvement campaign to increase adherence to guidelines in intensive care: A qualitative study of nurses' and physicians' experiences
Intensive Crit Care Nurs, 78, 103475
DOI 10.1016/j.iccn.2023.103475, PubMed 37384977

Publications 2022

Hauff T, Petosic A, Småstuen MC, Wøien H, Sunde K, Stafseth SK (2022)
Patient mobilisation in the intensive care unit and evaluation of a multifaceted intervention including Facebook groups: A quasi-experimental study
Intensive Crit Care Nurs, 74, 103315
DOI 10.1016/j.iccn.2022.103315, PubMed 36192314

Sørensen K, Skirbekk H, Kvarstein G, Wøien H (2022)
Home administration of needle injections for children with rheumatic diseases: A qualitative study on nurses' perception of their educational role
J Pediatr Nurs, 66, e137-e144
DOI 10.1016/j.pedn.2022.04.011, PubMed 35491289

Publications 2021

Henriksen KF, Hansen BS, Wøien H, Tønnessen S (2021)
The core qualities and competencies of the intensive and critical care nurse, a meta-ethnography
J Adv Nurs, 77 (12), 4693-4710
DOI 10.1111/jan.15044, PubMed 34532876

Petosic A, Småstuen MC, Beeckman D, Flaatten H, Sunde K, Wøien H (2021)
Multifaceted intervention including Facebook-groups to improve guideline-adherence in ICU: A quasi-experimental interrupted time series study
Acta Anaesthesiol Scand, 65 (10), 1466-1474
DOI 10.1111/aas.13969, PubMed 34368947

Pun BT, Badenes R, Heras La Calle G, Orun OM, Chen W, Raman R, Simpson BK, Wilson-Linville S, Hinojal Olmedillo B, Vallejo de la Cueva A, van der Jagt M, Navarro Casado R, Leal Sanz P, Orhun G, Ferrer Gómez C, Núñez Vázquez K, Piñeiro Otero P, Taccone FS, Gallego Curto E, Caricato A, Woien H, Lacave G, O'Neal HR, Peterson SJ, Brummel NE et al. (2021)
Prevalence and risk factors for delirium in critically ill patients with COVID-19 (COVID-D): a multicentre cohort study
Lancet Respir Med, 9 (3), 239-250
DOI 10.1016/S2213-2600(20)30552-X, PubMed 33428871

Svensberg K, Kalleberg BG, Rosvold EO, Mathiesen L, Wøien H, Hove LH, Andersen R, Waaktaar T, Schultz H, Sveaass N, Hellesö R (2021)
Interprofessional education on complex patients in nursing homes: a focus group study
BMC Med Educ, 21 (1), 504
DOI 10.1186/s12909-021-02867-6, PubMed 34560852

Sørensen K, Skirbekk H, Kvarstein G, Wøien H (2021)
I don't want to think about it: a qualitative study of children (6-18 years) with rheumatic diseases and parents' experiences with regular needle injections at home
Pediatr Rheumatol Online J, 19 (1), 8
DOI 10.1186/s12969-021-00495-4, PubMed 33482852

Publications 2020

Berntzen H, Bjørk IT, Storsveen AM, Wøien H (2020)
"Please mind the gap": A secondary analysis of discomfort and comfort in intensive care
J Clin Nurs, 29 (13-14), 2441-2454
DOI 10.1111/jocn.15260, PubMed 32242994

Sørensen K, Skirbekk H, Kvarstein G, Wøien H (2020)
Children's fear of needle injections: a qualitative study of training sessions for children with rheumatic diseases before home administration
Pediatr Rheumatol Online J, 18 (1), 13
DOI 10.1186/s12969-020-0406-6, PubMed 32033566

Wøien H (2020)
Movements and trends in intensive care pain treatment and sedation: What matters to the patient?
J Clin Nurs, 29 (7-8), 1129-1140
DOI 10.1111/jocn.15179, PubMed 31904888

Publications 2019

Petosic A, Sunde K, Beeckman D, Flaatten HK, Wøien H (2019)
Use of social media for communicating about critical care topics: A Norwegian cross-sectional survey
Acta Anaesthesiol Scand, 63 (10), 1398-1405
DOI 10.1111/aas.13449, PubMed 31286474

Wøien H, Rannem Sigrid (2019)
Research Development in the Clinical Field
In Leadership in Nursing: Experiences from the European Nordic Countries (Hafsteinsdottir Thóra B., Jónsdóttir Helga, Kirkevold Marit, Leino-Kilpi Helena, Lomborg Kirsten, Hallberg Ingalill Rahm, eds.), Springer, Springer Nature Switzerland AG, Gewerberstrasse 11, 6330 Cham, Switzerland, 215-230
DOI 10.1007/978-3-030-10964-6, PublikaID 319, ISBN 978-3-030-10963-9

Publications 2018

Berntzen H, Bjørk IT, Wøien H (2018)
"Having the compass-drawing the map": Exploring nurses' management of pain and other discomforts during use of analgosedation in intensive care
Nurs Open, 6 (2), 453-462
DOI 10.1002/nop2.227, PubMed 30918696

Collet MO, Caballero J, Sonneville R, Bozza FA, Nydahl P, Schandl A, Wøien H, Citerio G, van den Boogaard M, Hästbacka J, Haenggi M, Colpaert K, Rose L, Barbateskovic M, Lange T, Jensen A, Krog MB, Egerod I, Nibro HL, Wetterslev J, Perner A, AID-ICU cohort study co-authors (2018)
Prevalence and risk factors related to haloperidol use for delirium in adult intensive care patients: the multinational AID-ICU inception cohort study
Intensive Care Med, 44 (7), 1081-1089
DOI 10.1007/s00134-018-5204-y, PubMed 29767323

Publications 2017

Berntzen H, Bjørk IT, Wøien H (2017)
"Pain relieved, but still struggling"-Critically ill patients experiences of pain and other discomforts during analgosedation
J Clin Nurs, 27 (1-2), e223-e234
DOI 10.1111/jocn.13920, PubMed 28618123

Publications 2012

Wøien H, Balsliemke S, Stubhaug A (2012)
The incidence of delirium in Norwegian intensive care units; deep sedation makes assessment difficult
Acta Anaesthesiol Scand, 57 (3), 294-302
DOI 10.1111/j.1399-6576.2012.02793.x, PubMed 23075027

Wøien H, Bjørk IT (2012)
Intensive care pain treatment and sedation: nurses' experiences of the conflict between clinical judgement and standardised care: an explorative study
Intensive Crit Care Nurs, 29 (3), 128-36
DOI 10.1016/j.iccn.2012.11.003, PubMed 23219402

Wøien H, Vaerøy H, Aamodt G, Bjørk IT (2012)
Improving the systematic approach to pain and sedation management in the ICU by using assessment tools
J Clin Nurs, 23 (11-12), 1552-61
DOI 10.1111/j.1365-2702.2012.04309.x, PubMed 23186024

Publications 2011

Wøien H, Stubhaug A, Bjørk IT (2011)
Analgesia and sedation of mechanically ventilated patients - a national survey of clinical practice
Acta Anaesthesiol Scand, 56 (1), 23-9
DOI 10.1111/j.1399-6576.2011.02524.x, PubMed 22092294

Publications 2008

Wøien H, Strand AC (2008)
Sykepleietiltak ved postoperativ smertelindring
In Ulike tekster om smerte: fra nocisepsjon til livskvalitet, Gyldendal akademisk, Oslo, s. 271-289
BIBSYS 082788774

Publications 2006

Wøien H, Bjørk IT (2006)
Nutrition of the critically ill patient and effects of implementing a nutritional support algorithm in ICU
J Clin Nurs, 15 (2), 168-77
DOI 10.1111/j.1365-2702.2006.01262.x, PubMed 16422734

Publications 2003

Wøien H (2003)
Ernæring til intensivpasienter: i hvilken grad kan en ernæringsprotokoll bidra til at intensivpasienten får dekket sitt behov for ernæring?
Hilde Wøien, oslo, VI, 102 s.
BIBSYS 040747816

Publications 1993

Wøien H, Midthaug AS (1993)
Post-operativ sykepleie: hvordan den oppleves av pasientene 1 år etter operasjonen: en brukerundersøkelse ved post-operativ-avdeling, Sentralsykehuset i Akershus
[Sentralsykehuset i Akershus], [Nordbyhagen], 21 bl.
BIBSYS 951498347

Wøien H, Midthaug AS (1993)
Post-operativ sykepleie: hvordan den oppleves av pasienten 1 år etter operasjonen : en brukerundersøkelse ved post-operativ-avdeling, Sentralsykehuset i Akershus (del 2 1993)
In Post-operativ sykepleie: en brukerundersøkelse ved post-operativavdeling, Sentralsykehuset i Akershus, Forfatterne, Lørenskog, del 2, 21 s. + 2 vedlegg
BIBSYS 981056385

Publications 1992

Wøien H, Midthaug AS (1992)
Post-operativ sykepleie: en brukerundersøkelse ved post-operativavdeling, Sentralsykehuset i Akershus
Forfatterne, Lørenskog, 2 b.
BIBSYS 031998275

Wøien H, Midthaug AS (1992)
Post-operativ sykepleie: hvordan den oppleves av pasientene : en brukerundersøkelse ved post-operativ-avdeling, Sentralsykehuset i Akershus
In Post-operativ sykepleie: en brukerundersøkelse ved post-operativavdeling, Sentralsykehuset i Akershus, Forfatterne, Lørenskog, [1], [35] bl.
BIBSYS 951498193

Publications 1990

Wøien H, Midthaug AS (1990)
Post-operativ sykepleie: hvordan den oppleves av pasientene
Sentralsykehuset i Akershus, [Nordbyhagen], [13 bl.]
BIBSYS 941233421