Elise Mørk Sandås
- Spesialingeniør; MSc
- +47 230 70 911
Status: On maternity leave until March 2025
- 2018: MSc Analytical chemistry, University of Oslo, Norway
- 2016: BSc Engineering (Biotechnology and chemistry), Oslo Metropolitan University, Norway
- Metabolomics & Metabolic Molecular Biology Group, Department of Medical Biochemistry, Oslo University Hospital - Rikshospitalet, Norway
Research Summary
Elise's master’s thesis focused on evaluating and refining a global metabolomics method using liquid chromatography–high-resolution (Q Exactive Orbitrap) mass spectrometry of dried blood spots. The group continues to use this method today as a supplement to diagnostics and in various research projects. She is currently working on method development, among other topics.
- A new methods paper, adding valuable information to the field of Clinical Metabolomics: Skogvold et al. (2021)
- A novel metabolomics study of human 3-NPA intoxication, reporting the 1st case in Norway and the 2nd in Scandinavia: Skogvold et al. (2021)
Work Experience
- 2019-to date: Spesialingeniør at the Oslo University Hospital, Norway
- 2018-2019: Chemical Engineer at the Arcus Norway AS
- 2018 October-December: Implementation of a laboratory experiment for students in analytical chemistry, Oslo Metropolitan University, Norway
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