Multifamily therapy 

Course and outcome in adolescents treated with multifamily therapy at RASP”. The multi-family team at RASP provides multi-family treatment for adolescents with an eating disorder. As part of the hospital’s routine clinical procedures for quality assurance, patients, parents and siblings take part in assessment at treatment start, at end of treatment and at 6-months follow-up. In collaboration with the multi-family team, researchers at RASP analyzes these data to describe changes in physical and psychological health, parental trust in their ability to reverse the eating disorder, and treatment satisfaction.

Contact person Ingrid Funderud. 

The following publications are based on data collected from patients and their families participating in multi-family therapy treatment at RASP:

Funderud I, Halvorsen I, Kvakland AL, Nilsen JV, Skjønhaug J, Stedal K, Rø Ø (2023). Multifamily therapy for adolescent eating disorders: a study of the change in eating disorder symptoms from start of treatment to follow-up.  J Eat Disord. 11(1):92. doi: 10.1186/s40337-023-00814-y.PMID: 37287009

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