Nikon ECLIPSE Ti2-E Yokogawa CSU-W1-SoRa spinning disk
The Nikon SoRa system is a Nikon ECLIPSE Ti2-E microscope equipped with a CSU-W1 spinning disk confocal unit (50 um pinhole size) and a SoRa microlensing disk for superresolution.
The system is equipped with two Prime BSI cameras (back-illuminated sCMOS) for sequential or two-color simultanous imaging.
The system is suitable for fixed as well as live sample imaging, and is equipped with a Okolab stage top incubator for temperature and CO2 control.
SoRa superresolution imaging is possible with 60x or 100x objective and can give a resolution of 120 nm in XY.
Available objectives:
- 4x
- 10x Air
- 20x CorrectionCollar for upto 1,2 mm coverglass thickness
- 25x Silicone immersion
- 40x Air
- 60xWI with automatic water immersion dispenser
- 100x Oil immersion
- 100x Silicone immersion