Thomas Fleischer

  • Researcher and project leader; PhD
  • +47 22 78 13 80

Project leader for the Epigenomics of Breast Cancer project group


Publications 2024

Ankill J, Zhao Z, Tekpli X, Kure EH, Kristensen VN, Mathelier A, Fleischer T (2024)
Integrative pan-cancer analysis reveals a common architecture of dysregulated transcriptional networks characterized by loss of enhancer methylation
PLoS Comput Biol, 20 (11), e1012565
DOI 10.1371/journal.pcbi.1012565, PubMed 39556603

Brativnyk A, Ankill J, Helland Å, Fleischer T (2024)
Multi-omics analysis reveals epigenetically regulated processes and patient classification in lung adenocarcinoma
Int J Cancer, 155 (2), 282-297
DOI 10.1002/ijc.34915, PubMed 38489486

Fleischer T, Haugen MH, Ankill J, Silwal-Pandit L, Børresen-Dale AL, Hedenfalk I, Hatschek T, Tost J, Engebraaten O, Kristensen VN (2024)
An integrated omics approach highlights how epigenetic events can explain and predict response to neoadjuvant chemotherapy and bevacizumab in breast cancer
Mol Oncol, 18 (8), 2042-2059
DOI 10.1002/1878-0261.13656, PubMed 38671580

Tomasova K, Seborova K, Kroupa M, Horak J, Kavec M, Vodickova L, Rob L, Hruda M, Mrhalova M, Bartakova A, Bouda J, Fleischer T, Kristensen VN, Vodicka P, Vaclavikova R (2024)
Telomere length as a predictor of therapy response and survival in patients diagnosed with ovarian carcinoma
Heliyon, 10 (13), e33525
DOI 10.1016/j.heliyon.2024.e33525, PubMed 39050459

Publications 2023

Daniel P, Balušíková K, Václavíková R, Šeborová K, Ransdorfová Š, Valeriánová M, Wei L, Jelínek M, Tlapáková T, Fleischer T, Kristensen VN, Souček P, Ojima I, Kovář J (2023)
ABCB1 Amplicon Contains Cyclic AMP Response Element-Driven TRIP6 Gene in Taxane-Resistant MCF-7 Breast Cancer Sublines
Genes (Basel), 14 (2)
DOI 10.3390/genes14020296, PubMed 36833223

Mo T, Brandal SHB, Geier OM, Engebråten O, Nilsen LB, Kristensen VN, Hole KH, Hompland T, Fleischer T, Seierstad T (2023)
MRI Assessment of Changes in Tumor Vascularization during Neoadjuvant Anti-Angiogenic Treatment in Locally Advanced Breast Cancer Patients
Cancers (Basel), 15 (18)
DOI 10.3390/cancers15184662, PubMed 37760629

Vitelli V, Fleischer T, Ankill J, Arjas E, Frigessi A, Kristensen VN, Zucknick M (2023)
Transcriptomic pan-cancer analysis using rank-based Bayesian inference
Mol Oncol, 17 (4), 548-563
DOI 10.1002/1878-0261.13354, PubMed 36562628

Publications 2022

Ankill J, Aure MR, Bjørklund S, Langberg S, Oslo Breast Cancer Consortium (OSBREAC) , Kristensen VN, Vitelli V, Tekpli X, Fleischer T (2022)
Epigenetic alterations at distal enhancers are linked to proliferation in human breast cancer
NAR Cancer, 4 (1), zcac008
DOI 10.1093/narcan/zcac008, PubMed 35350772

Bjørklund SS, Aure MR, Häkkinen J, Vallon-Christersson J, Kumar S, Evensen KB, Fleischer T, Tost J, OSBREAC, Sahlberg KK, Mathelier A, Bhanot G, Ganesan S, Tekpli X, Kristensen VN (2022)
Subtype and cell type specific expression of lncRNAs provide insight into breast cancer
Commun Biol, 5 (1), 834
DOI 10.1038/s42003-022-03559-7, PubMed 35982125

Eliseussen E, Fleischer T, Vitelli V (2022)
Rank-based Bayesian variable selection for genome-wide transcriptomic analyses
Stat Med, 41 (23), 4532-4553
DOI 10.1002/sim.9524, PubMed 35844145

Lemma RB, Fleischer T, Martinsen E, Ledsaak M, Kristensen V, Eskeland R, Gabrielsen OS, Mathelier A (2022)
Pioneer transcription factors are associated with the modulation of DNA methylation patterns across cancers
Epigenetics Chromatin, 15 (1), 13
DOI 10.1186/s13072-022-00444-9, PubMed 35440061

Lobert VH, Skardal ML, Malerød L, Simensen JE, Algra HA, Andersen AN, Fleischer T, Enserink HA, Liestøl K, Heath JK, Rusten TE, Stenmark HA (2022)
PHLPP1 regulates CFTR activity and lumen expansion through AMPK
Development, 149 (20)
DOI 10.1242/dev.200955, PubMed 35997536

Mo T, Brandal SHB, Köhn-Luque A, Engebraaten O, Kristensen VN, Fleischer T, Hompland T, Seierstad T (2022)
Quantification of Tumor Hypoxia through Unsupervised Modelling of Consumption and Supply Hypoxia MR Imaging in Breast Cancer
Cancers (Basel), 14 (5)
DOI 10.3390/cancers14051326, PubMed 35267636

Pedersen CA, Cao MD, Fleischer T, Rye MB, Knappskog S, Eikesdal HP, Lønning PE, Tost J, Kristensen VN, Tessem MB, Giskeødegård GF, Bathen TF (2022)
DNA methylation changes in response to neoadjuvant chemotherapy are associated with breast cancer survival
Breast Cancer Res, 24 (1), 43
DOI 10.1186/s13058-022-01537-9, PubMed 35751095

Seborova K, Hlavac V, Holy P, Bjørklund SS, Fleischer T, Rob L, Hruda M, Bouda J, Mrhalova M, Allah MMKAO, Vodicka P, Fiala O, Soucek P, Kristensen VN, Vodickova L, Vaclavikova R (2022)
Complex molecular profile of DNA repair genes in epithelial ovarian carcinoma patients with different sensitivity to platinum-based therapy
Front Oncol, 12, 1016958
DOI 10.3389/fonc.2022.1016958, PubMed 36531044

Publications 2021

Aure MR, Fleischer T, Bjørklund S, Ankill J, Castro-Mondragon JA, OSBREAC, Børresen-Dale AL, Tost J, Sahlberg KK, Mathelier A, Tekpli X, Kristensen VN (2021)
Crosstalk between microRNA expression and DNA methylation drives the hormone-dependent phenotype of breast cancer
Genome Med, 13 (1), 72
DOI 10.1186/s13073-021-00880-4, PubMed 33926515

Jaiswal A, Gautam P, Pietilä EA, Timonen S, Nordström N, Akimov Y, Sipari N, Tanoli Z, Fleischer T, Lehti K, Wennerberg K, Aittokallio T (2021)
Multi-modal meta-analysis of cancer cell line omics profiles identifies ECHDC1 as a novel breast tumor suppressor
Mol Syst Biol, 17 (3), e9526
DOI 10.15252/msb.20209526, PubMed 33750001

Xu H, Lien T, Bergholtz H, Fleischer T, Djerroudi L, Vincent-Salomon A, Sørlie T, Aittokallio T (2021)
Multi-Omics Marker Analysis Enables Early Prediction of Breast Tumor Progression
Front Genet, 12, 670749
DOI 10.3389/fgene.2021.670749, PubMed 34149812

Publications 2020

Chen C, Wei Y, Wei L, Chen J, Chen X, Dong X, He J, Lin L, Zhu Y, Huang H, You D, Lai L, Shen S, Duan W, Su L, Shafer A, Fleischer T, Bjaanæs MM, Karlsson A, Planck M, Wang R, Staaf J, Helland Å, Esteller M, Zhang R et al. (2020)
Epigenome-wide gene-age interaction analysis reveals reversed effects of PRODH DNA methylation on survival between young and elderly early-stage NSCLC patients
Aging (Albany NY), 12 (11), 10642-10662
DOI 10.18632/aging.103284, PubMed 32511103

Zhang R, Chen C, Dong X, Shen S, Lai L, He J, You D, Lin L, Zhu Y, Huang H, Chen J, Wei L, Chen X, Li Y, Guo Y, Duan W, Liu L, Su L, Shafer A, Fleischer T, Moksnes Bjaanæs M, Karlsson A, Planck M, Wang R, Staaf J et al. (2020)
Independent Validation of Early-Stage Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Prognostic Scores Incorporating Epigenetic and Transcriptional Biomarkers With Gene-Gene Interactions and Main Effects
Chest, 158 (2), 808-819
DOI 10.1016/j.chest.2020.01.048, PubMed 32113923

Publications 2019

Brinkman AB, Nik-Zainal S, Simmer F, Rodríguez-González FG, Smid M, Alexandrov LB, Butler A, Martin S, Davies H, Glodzik D, Zou X, Ramakrishna M, Staaf J, Ringnér M, Sieuwerts A, Ferrari A, Morganella S, Fleischer T, Kristensen V, Gut M, van de Vijver MJ, Børresen-Dale AL, Richardson AL, Thomas G, Gut IG et al. (2019)
Partially methylated domains are hypervariable in breast cancer and fuel widespread CpG island hypermethylation
Nat Commun, 10 (1), 1749
DOI 10.1038/s41467-019-09828-0, PubMed 30988298

Dong X, Zhang R, He J, Lai L, Alolga RN, Shen S, Zhu Y, You D, Lin L, Chen C, Zhao Y, Duan W, Su L, Shafer A, Salama M, Fleischer T, Bjaanæs MM, Karlsson A, Planck M, Wang R, Staaf J, Helland Å, Esteller M, Wei Y, Chen F et al. (2019)
Trans-omics biomarker model improves prognostic prediction accuracy for early-stage lung adenocarcinoma
Aging (Albany NY), 11 (16), 6312-6335
DOI 10.18632/aging.102189, PubMed 31434796

Lai X, Geier OM, Fleischer T, Garred Ø, Borgen E, Funke SW, Kumar S, Rognes ME, Seierstad T, Børresen-Dale AL, Kristensen VN, Engebraaten O, Köhn-Luque A, Frigessi A (2019)
Toward Personalized Computer Simulation of Breast Cancer Treatment: A Multiscale Pharmacokinetic and Pharmacodynamic Model Informed by Multitype Patient Data
Cancer Res, 79 (16), 4293-4304
DOI 10.1158/0008-5472.CAN-18-1804, PubMed 31118201

Zhang R, Lai L, Dong X, He J, You D, Chen C, Lin L, Zhu Y, Huang H, Shen S, Wei L, Chen X, Guo Y, Liu L, Su L, Shafer A, Moran S, Fleischer T, Bjaanaes MM, Karlsson A, Planck M, Staaf J, Helland Å, Esteller M, Wei Y et al. (2019)
SIPA1L3 methylation modifies the benefit of smoking cessation on lung adenocarcinoma survival: an epigenomic-smoking interaction analysis
Mol Oncol, 13 (5), 1235-1248
DOI 10.1002/1878-0261.12482, PubMed 30924596

Zhang R, Lai L, He J, Chen C, You D, Duan W, Dong X, Zhu Y, Lin L, Shen S, Guo Y, Su L, Shafer A, Moran S, Fleischer T, Bjaanæs MM, Karlsson A, Planck M, Staaf J, Helland Å, Esteller M, Wei Y, Chen F, Christiani DC (2019)
EGLN2 DNA methylation and expression interact with HIF1A to affect survival of early-stage NSCLC
Epigenetics, 14 (2), 118-129
DOI 10.1080/15592294.2019.1573066, PubMed 30665327

Publications 2018

Guo Y, Zhang R, Shen S, Wei Y, Salama SM, Fleischer T, Bjaanæs MM, Karlsson A, Planck M, Su L, Zhu Z, Staaf J, Helland Å, Esteller M, Christiani DC (2018)
DNA Methylation of LRRC3B: A Biomarker for Survival of Early-Stage Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Patients
Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev, 27 (12), 1527-1535
DOI 10.1158/1055-9965.EPI-18-0454, PubMed 30185536

Höglander EK, Nord S, Wedge DC, Lingjærde OC, Silwal-Pandit L, Gythfeldt HV, Vollan HKM, Fleischer T, Krohn M, Schlitchting E, Borgen E, Garred Ø, Holmen MM, Wist E, Naume B, Van Loo P, Børresen-Dale AL, Engebraaten O, Kristensen V (2018)
Time series analysis of neoadjuvant chemotherapy and bevacizumab-treated breast carcinomas reveals a systemic shift in genomic aberrations
Genome Med, 10 (1), 92
DOI 10.1186/s13073-018-0601-y, PubMed 30497530

Jabeen S, Zucknick M, Nome M, Dannenfelser R, Fleischer T, Kumar S, Lüders T, von der Lippe Gythfeldt H, Troyanskaya O, Kyte JA, Børresen-Dale AL, Naume B, Tekpli X, Engebraaten O, Kristensen V (2018)
Serum cytokine levels in breast cancer patients during neoadjuvant treatment with bevacizumab
Oncoimmunology, 7 (11), e1457598
DOI 10.1080/2162402X.2018.1457598, PubMed 30377556

Shen S, Zhang R, Guo Y, Loehrer E, Wei Y, Zhu Y, Yuan Q, Moran S, Fleischer T, Bjaanaes MM, Karlsson A, Planck M, Staaf J, Helland Å, Esteller M, Su L, Chen F, Christiani DC (2018)
A multi-omic study reveals BTG2 as a reliable prognostic marker for early-stage non-small cell lung cancer
Mol Oncol, 12 (6), 913-924
DOI 10.1002/1878-0261.12204, PubMed 29656435

Wei Y, Liang J, Zhang R, Guo Y, Shen S, Su L, Lin X, Moran S, Helland Å, Bjaanæs MM, Karlsson A, Planck M, Esteller M, Fleischer T, Staaf J, Zhao Y, Chen F, Christiani DC (2018)
Epigenetic modifications in KDM lysine demethylases associate with survival of early-stage NSCLC
Clin Epigenetics, 10, 41
DOI 10.1186/s13148-018-0474-3, PubMed 29619118

Publications 2017

Fleischer T, Klajic J, Aure MR, Louhimo R, Pladsen AV, Ottestad L, Touleimat N, Laakso M, Halvorsen AR, Grenaker Alnæs GI, Riis ML, Helland Å, Hautaniemi S, Lønning PE, Naume B, Børresen-Dale AL, Tost J, Kristensen VN (2017)
DNA methylation signature (SAM40) identifies subgroups of the Luminal A breast cancer samples with distinct survival
Oncotarget, 8 (1), 1074-1082
DOI 10.18632/oncotarget.13718, PubMed 27911866

Fleischer T, Tekpli X, Mathelier A, Wang S, Nebdal D, Dhakal HP, Sahlberg KK, Schlichting E, Oslo Breast Cancer Research Consortium (OSBREAC), Børresen-Dale AL, Borgen E, Naume B, Eskeland R, Frigessi A, Tost J, Hurtado A, Kristensen VN (2017)
DNA methylation at enhancers identifies distinct breast cancer lineages
Nat Commun, 8 (1), 1379
DOI 10.1038/s41467-017-00510-x, PubMed 29123100

Silwal-Pandit L, Nord S, von der Lippe Gythfeldt H, Møller EK, Fleischer T, Rødland E, Krohn M, Borgen E, Garred Ø, Olsen T, Vu P, Skjerven H, Fangberget A, Holmen MM, Schlitchting E, Wille E, Nordberg Stokke M, Moen Vollan HK, Kristensen V, Langerød A, Lundgren S, Wist E, Naume B, Lingjærde OC, Børresen-Dale AL et al. (2017)
The Longitudinal Transcriptional Response to Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy with and without Bevacizumab in Breast Cancer
Clin Cancer Res, 23 (16), 4662-4670
DOI 10.1158/1078-0432.CCR-17-0160, PubMed 28487444

Publications 2015

Bjaanæs MM, Fleischer T, Halvorsen AR, Daunay A, Busato F, Solberg S, Jørgensen L, Kure E, Edvardsen H, Børresen-Dale AL, Brustugun OT, Tost J, Kristensen V, Helland Å (2015)
Genome-wide DNA methylation analyses in lung adenocarcinomas: Association with EGFR, KRAS and TP53 mutation status, gene expression and prognosis
Mol Oncol, 10 (2), 330-43
DOI 10.1016/j.molonc.2015.10.021, PubMed 26601720

Győrffy B, Bottai G, Fleischer T, Munkácsy G, Budczies J, Paladini L, Børresen-Dale AL, Kristensen VN, Santarpia L (2015)
Aberrant DNA methylation impacts gene expression and prognosis in breast cancer subtypes
Int J Cancer, 138 (1), 87-97
DOI 10.1002/ijc.29684, PubMed 26174627

Johnson KC, Koestler DC, Fleischer T, Chen P, Jenson EG, Marotti JD, Onega T, Kristensen VN, Christensen BC (2015)
DNA methylation in ductal carcinoma in situ related with future development of invasive breast cancer
Clin Epigenetics, 7 (1), 75
DOI 10.1186/s13148-015-0094-0, PubMed 26213588

Publications 2014

Fleischer T, Edvardsen H, Solvang HK, Daviaud C, Naume B, Børresen-Dale AL, Kristensen VN, Tost J (2014)
Integrated analysis of high-resolution DNA methylation profiles, gene expression, germline genotypes and clinical end points in breast cancer patients
Int J Cancer, 134 (11), 2615-25
DOI 10.1002/ijc.28606, PubMed 24395279

Fleischer T, Frigessi A, Johnson KC, Edvardsen H, Touleimat N, Klajic J, Riis ML, Haakensen VD, Wärnberg F, Naume B, Helland A, Børresen-Dale AL, Tost J, Christensen BC, Kristensen VN (2014)
Genome-wide DNA methylation profiles in progression to in situ and invasive carcinoma of the breast with impact on gene transcription and prognosis
Genome Biol, 15 (8), 435
DOI 10.1186/PREACCEPT-2333349012841587, PubMed 25146004

Fleischer T, Frigessi A, Johnson KC, Edvardsen H, Touleimat N, Klajic J, Riis MLH, Haakensen VD, Warnberg F, Naume B, Helland A, Borresen-Dale AL, Tost J, Christensen BC, Kristensen VN (2014)
Genome-wide DNA methylation profiles in progression to in situ and invasive carcinoma of the breast with impact on gene transcription and prognosis
Genome Biol., 15 (8), 435
DOI 10.1186/s13059-014-0435-x

Halvorsen AR, Helland A, Fleischer T, Haug KM, Grenaker Alnaes GI, Nebdal D, Syljuåsen RG, Touleimat N, Busato F, Tost J, Saetersdal AB, Børresen-Dale AL, Kristensen V, Edvardsen H (2014)
Differential DNA methylation analysis of breast cancer reveals the impact of immune signaling in radiation therapy
Int J Cancer, 135 (9), 2085-95
DOI 10.1002/ijc.28862, PubMed 24658971

Klajic J, Busato F, Edvardsen H, Touleimat N, Fleischer T, Bukholm I, Børresen-Dale AL, Lønning PE, Tost J, Kristensen VN (2014)
DNA methylation status of key cell-cycle regulators such as CDKNA2/p16 and CCNA1 correlates with treatment response to doxorubicin and 5-fluorouracil in locally advanced breast tumors
Clin Cancer Res, 20 (24), 6357-66
DOI 10.1158/1078-0432.CCR-14-0297, PubMed 25294903

Publications 2013

Aure MR, Leivonen SK, Fleischer T, Zhu Q, Overgaard J, Alsner J, Tramm T, Louhimo R, Alnæs GI, Perälä M, Busato F, Touleimat N, Tost J, Børresen-Dale AL, Hautaniemi S, Troyanskaya OG, Lingjærde OC, Sahlberg KK, Kristensen VN (2013)
Individual and combined effects of DNA methylation and copy number alterations on miRNA expression in breast tumors
Genome Biol, 14 (11), R126
DOI 10.1186/gb-2013-14-11-r126, PubMed 24257477

Klajic J, Fleischer T, Dejeux E, Edvardsen H, Warnberg F, Bukholm I, Lønning PE, Solvang H, Børresen-Dale AL, Tost J, Kristensen VN (2013)
Quantitative DNA methylation analyses reveal stage dependent DNA methylation and association to clinico-pathological factors in breast tumors
BMC Cancer, 13, 456
DOI 10.1186/1471-2407-13-456, PubMed 24093668

Quigley DA, Fiorito E, Nord S, Van Loo P, Alnæs GG, Fleischer T, Tost J, Moen Vollan HK, Tramm T, Overgaard J, Bukholm IR, Hurtado A, Balmain A, Børresen-Dale AL, Kristensen V (2013)
The 5p12 breast cancer susceptibility locus affects MRPS30 expression in estrogen-receptor positive tumors
Mol Oncol, 8 (2), 273-84
DOI 10.1016/j.molonc.2013.11.008, PubMed 24388359

Publications 2011

Helland Å, Skaug HM, Kleinberg L, Iversen ML, Rud AK, Fleischer T, Sagerup C, Solberg S, Jørgensen L, Ariansen S, Brustugun OT (2011)
EGFR gene alterations in a Norwegian cohort of lung cancer patients selected for surgery
J Thorac Oncol, 6 (5), 947-50
DOI 10.1097/JTO.0b013e31820db209, PubMed 21623266

Publications 2010

Rønneberg JA, Fleischer T, Solvang HK, Nordgard SH, Edvardsen H, Potapenko I, Nebdal D, Daviaud C, Gut I, Bukholm I, Naume B, Børresen-Dale AL, Tost J, Kristensen V (2010)
Methylation profiling with a panel of cancer related genes: association with estrogen receptor, TP53 mutation status and expression subtypes in sporadic breast cancer
Mol Oncol, 5 (1), 61-76
DOI 10.1016/j.molonc.2010.11.004, PubMed 21212030