Käthe Meyer

Meyer has worked as a nurse at the Clinic for Surgery and specialiced medicine and the Department of Transplantation Medicine since 1985. She has pursued further education in intensive care nursing, earned a master's degree in nursing science from UiO in 2009, and completed her PhD at the UiO in 2017. She has worked as a transplant coordinator at OUS, Rikshospitalet, since 1997.


  • Pasientrapporterte data
  • Organtransplantasjon
  • Organdonasjon fra levende giver
  • Organdonasjon fra avdød giver
  • Profesjonell kompetanse


  • Kvanitativt design: Spørreskjema
  • Kvalitativt design: Dybdeintervju og fokusgruppeintervju
  • Mixed methods design

Publikasjoner (cristin.no)