Genomic stability of human adipose stem cells cultured to senescence

Leonardo A. Meza-Zepeda and coworkers have shown the overall genomic stability of adipose tissue derived mesenchymal cells when cultured to senescence. These important findings were recently published online in the "Journal of Cellular and Molecular Medicine" (impact factor 6,55). The work has been carried out through a collaborative effort with Philippe Collas’ group at the Inst. of Basic Medical Sciences at UiO.
Meza-Zepeda is the Project Leader of the Genomics Section in Ola Myklebost's group at the Department of Tumor Biology, as well as the Manger of the RR-HF/UiO Microarray Core Facility. About the findings - written by the authors: Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) have in past years received much attention owing to their apparent usefulness as multipotent replacement cells for regenerative medicine. Therapeutic applications on using MSCs imply large scale in vitro culture, increasing the probability of genetic instability and transformation. Using high-resolution array comparative genomic hybridisation (array CGH) and cytogentics, we have examined the incidence of unbalanced and balanced chromosome rearrangements in polyclonal and single cell-derived cultures of human adipose stem cells (ASCs) to senescence.