Helse Sør has granted support to 14 projects from the Norw. Radium Hosp. for 2005

In cooperation with the University in Oslo, Helse Sør has granted economical support to 75 research projects originating from hospitals in the region for the year of 2005.

All in all 223 applications were evaluated. 35 per cent of these received support. Projects evaluated as "Strongly recommended" were given up to NOK 410 000 for 2005, while "Recommended" project were given NOK 220 000 (unless a lesser amount was applied for).

Click here for further reading (in Norwegian) from Helse Sørs web page.

The applications were evaluated by an external committee, consisting of professor Terje Pedersen, Ullevål University Hospital, professor Stein Emil Vollset, University of Bergen, professor Serena Tonstad, Ullevål University Hospital, professor Kenneth N. Nilsson, Uppsala University, professor Nils Lycke, Göteborg's University and professor Urban Lendahl, Karolinska institutet.

Among the 75 research projects that were granted support, the following 14 projects are from the Norwegian Radium Hospital:
Mar 1, 2005 Page visits: 9145