Prostate cancer

Translational prostate cancer research
Translational prostate cancer research

Prostate cancer is the most common type of cancer in Norway, both in terms of incidence and prevalence. Yet, distinguishing between indolent and aggressive tumours poses a major challenge in managing this disease. One complex aspect in developing prognostic biomarkers is that most patients have multiple tumour foci in their prostate.

The research initiatives involve several clinical biobanks, including a prominent biobank comprised of multiple frozen tissue cores from a total of 571 prostate cancer patients. These biobanks facilitates in-depth genomics analyses of multifocal primary prostate cancer, including investigations into interfocal heterogeneity of gene mutations and expression. The gene expression-based research encompasses a wide scope of clinical and translational aspects. It involves analyses at levels of the whole-gene, alternative and aberrant RNA splicing, as well as fusion genes.

Selected publications

Skotheim RI, Carm KT, Bogaard M, Axcrona U, and Axcrona K (2024). Prostate cancer: Molecular aspects, consequences, and opportunities of the multifocal nature. BBA Reviews on Cancer 1879(2): 189080

Bogaard M, Skotheim RI, Maltau AV, Kidd SG, Lothe RA, Axcrona K, and Axcrona U (2023). 'High proliferative cribriform prostate cancer' defines a patient subgroup with an inferior prognosis. Histopathology 83(6): 853-869

Carm KT, Johannessen B, Bogaard M, Bakken AC, Maltau AMV, Hoff AM, Axcrona U, Axcrona K, Lothe RA, and Skotheim RI (2023). Somatic mutations reveal complex metastatic seeding from multifocal primary prostate cancer. Int. J. Cancer 152(5): 945-951

Kidd SG*, Bogaard M*, Carm KT, Bakken AC, Maltau AMV, Løvf M, Lothe RA, Axcrona K, Axcrona U**, and Skotheim RI** (2022). In situ expression of ERG protein in the context of tumor heterogeneity identifies prostate cancer patients with inferior prognosis. Mol. Oncol. 16(15): 2810-2822 Shared *first/**senior authors

Strømme JM, Johannessen B, Kidd SG, Bogaard M, Carm KT, Zhang X, Sveen A, Mathelier A, Lothe RA, Axcrona U, Axcrona K, and Skotheim RI (2022). Expressed prognostic biomarkers for primary prostate cancer independent of multifocality and transcriptome heterogeneity. Cancer Gene Therapy 29(8-9): 1276-1284

Kidd SG*, Carm KT*, Bogaard M, Olsen LG, Bakken AC, Løvf M, Lothe RA, Axcrona K, Axcrona U, and Skotheim RI (2021). High expression of SChLAP1 in primary prostate cancer is an independent predictor of biochemical recurrence, despite substantial heterogeneity. Neoplasia 23(6): 634-641 *Equal contribution

Carm KT, Hoff AM, Bakken AC, Axcrona U, Axcrona K, Lothe RA, Skotheim RI*, and Løvf M (2019). The clinical usefulness of molecular classification of primary prostate cancer is challenged by interfocal heterogeneity. Scientific Reports 9: 13579 *Corresponding author

Løvf M, Zhao S, Axcrona U, Johannessen B, Bakken AC, Carm KT, Hoff AM, Myklebost O, Meza-Zepeda LA, Lie AK, Axcrona K, Lothe RA, and Skotheim RI (2019). Multifocal primary prostate cancer exhibits high degree of genomic heterogeneity. European Urology, 75(3): 498-505

Zhao S, Løvf M, Carm KT, Bakken AC, Hoff AM, and Skotheim RI (2017). Novel transcription-induced fusion RNAs in prostate cancer. Oncotarget 8(30): 49133-43

Barros-Silva JD, Paulo P, Bakken AC, Cerveira N, Løvf M, Henrique R, Jerónimo C, Lothe RA, Skotheim RI, and Teixeira MR (2013). Novel 5' fusion partners of ETV1 and ETV4 in prostate cancer. Neoplasia 15(7): 720-726

Paulo P, Barros-Silva JD, Ribeiro FR, Ramalho-Carvalho J, Jerónimo C, Henrique R, Lind GE, Skotheim RI, Lothe RA, and Teixeira MR (2012). FLI1 is a novel ETS transcription factor involved in gene fusions in prostate cancer. Genes Chromosomes. Cancer 51(3): 240-249

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