Jørgen Wesche

  • Group Leader; PhD
  • +47 22 78 19 31


Jørgen is in charge of the group Molecular Biology of Sarcoma


Publications 2025

Song L, Kostas M, Laerdahl JK, Skálová M, Janská T, Juzeniene A, Ræstad S, Krivokapic A, Kalantzopoulos GN, Soltes J, Vlk M, Kozempel J, Hassfjell S, Wesche J (2025)
Preparation and Characterization of an Engineered FGF1 Conjugated to 161Tb for Targeting of FGFRs
ACS Omega, 10 (6), 5730-5743
DOI 10.1021/acsomega.4c09179, PubMed 39989790

Publications 2024

Wesche J, Bakken T, Vetrhus M, Hufthammer KO, Nyroenning LA, Fagertun H, Saethre I, Wold BH, Lyng C, Pettersen EM, Kjellsen IS, Gubberud ET, Kiil S, Loose H, Helgeland MT, Altreuther ME, Mattsson E, Jonung T, Hjellestad ID (2024)
High proportion of undiagnosed diabetes in patients surgically treated for infrarenal abdominal aortic aneurysm: findings from the multicentre Norwegian Aortic Aneurysm and Diabetes (ABANDIA) Study
Cardiovasc Diabetol, 23 (1), 333
DOI 10.1186/s12933-024-02421-w, PubMed 39252002

Publications 2023

Holme B, Bjørnerud B, Pedersen NM, de la Ballina LR, Wesche J, Haugsten EM (2023)
Automated tracking of cell migration in phase contrast images with CellTraxx
Sci Rep, 13 (1), 22982
DOI 10.1038/s41598-023-50227-9, PubMed 38151514

Nakken S, Gundersen S, Bernal FLM, Polychronopoulos D, Hovig E, Wesche J (2023)
Comprehensive interrogation of gene lists from genome-scale cancer screens with oncoEnrichR
Int J Cancer, 153 (10), 1819-1828
DOI 10.1002/ijc.34666, PubMed 37551617

Publications 2022

Fiorito E, Szybowska P, Haugsten EM, Kostas M, Øy GF, Wiedlocha A, Singh S, Nakken S, Mælandsmo GM, Fletcher JA, Meza-Zepeda LA, Wesche J (2022)
Strategies to inhibit FGFR4 V550L-driven rhabdomyosarcoma
Br J Cancer, 127 (11), 1939-1953
DOI 10.1038/s41416-022-01973-6, PubMed 36097178

Publications 2021

Munson MJ, Mathai BJ, Ng MYW, Trachsel-Moncho L, de la Ballina LR, Schultz SW, Aman Y, Lystad AH, Singh S, Singh S, Wesche J, Fang EF, Simonsen A (2021)
GAK and PRKCD are positive regulators of PRKN-independent mitophagy
Nat Commun, 12 (1), 6101
DOI 10.1038/s41467-021-26331-7, PubMed 34671015

Szybowska P, Kostas M, Wesche J, Haugsten EM, Wiedlocha A (2021)
Negative Regulation of FGFR (Fibroblast Growth Factor Receptor) Signaling
Cells, 10 (6)
DOI 10.3390/cells10061342, PubMed 34071546

Vikan AK, Kostas M, Haugsten EM, Selbo PK, Wesche J (2021)
Efficacy and Selectivity of FGF2-Saporin Cytosolically Delivered by PCI in Cells Overexpressing FGFR1
Cells, 10 (6)
DOI 10.3390/cells10061476, PubMed 34204611

Publications 2020

Tadele DS, Robertson J, Crispin R, Herrera MC, Chlubnová M, Piechaczyk L, Ayuda-Durán P, Singh SK, Gedde-Dahl T, Fløisand Y, Skavland J, Wesche J, Gjertsen BT, Enserink JM (2020)
A cell competition-based small molecule screen identifies a novel compound that induces dual c-Myc depletion and p53 activation
J Biol Chem, 296, 100179
DOI 10.1074/jbc.RA120.015285, PubMed 33303632

Publications 2019

Szybowska P, Kostas M, Wesche J, Wiedlocha A, Haugsten EM (2019)
Cancer Mutations in FGFR2 Prevent a Negative Feedback Loop Mediated by the ERK1/2 Pathway
Cells, 8 (6)
DOI 10.3390/cells8060518, PubMed 31146385

Publications 2018

Fafilek B, Balek L, Bosakova MK, Varecha M, Nita A, Gregor T, Gudernova I, Krenova J, Ghosh S, Piskacek M, Jonatova L, Cernohorsky NH, Zieba JT, Kostas M, Haugsten EM, Wesche J, Erneux C, Trantirek L, Krakow D, Krejci P (2018)
The inositol phosphatase SHIP2 enables sustained ERK activation downstream of FGF receptors by recruiting Src kinases
Sci Signal, 11 (548)
DOI 10.1126/scisignal.aap8608, PubMed 30228226

Kostas M, Haugsten EM, Zhen Y, Sørensen V, Szybowska P, Fiorito E, Lorenz S, Jones N, de Souza GA, Wiedlocha A, Wesche J (2018)
Protein Tyrosine Phosphatase Receptor Type G (PTPRG) Controls Fibroblast Growth Factor Receptor (FGFR) 1 Activity and Influences Sensitivity to FGFR Kinase Inhibitors
Mol Cell Proteomics, 17 (5), 850-870
DOI 10.1074/mcp.RA117.000538, PubMed 29371290

Palankar R, Kohler TP, Krauel K, Wesche J, Hammerschmidt S, Greinacher A (2018)
Platelets kill bacteria by bridging innate and adaptive immunity via platelet factor 4 and FcγRIIA
J Thromb Haemost, 16 (6), 1187-1197
DOI 10.1111/jth.13955, PubMed 29350833

Zhen Y, Haugsten EM, Singh SK, Wesche J (2018)
Proximity Labeling by a Recombinant APEX2-FGF1 Fusion Protein Reveals Interaction of FGF1 with the Proteoglycans CD44 and CSPG4
Biochemistry, 57 (26), 3807-3816
DOI 10.1021/acs.biochem.8b00120, PubMed 29812912

Publications 2017

Kjørstad KE, Baksaas ST, Bundgaard D, Halbakken E, Hasselgård T, Jonung T, Jørgensen GT, Jørgensen JJ, Krog AH, Krohg-Sørensen K, Laxdal E, Mathisen SR, Oskarsson GV, Seljeskog S, Settemsdal I, Vetrhus M, Viddal BA, Wesche J, Aasgaard F, Mattsson E (2017)
Editor's Choice - The National Norwegian Carotid Study: Time from Symptom Onset to Surgery is too Long, Resulting in Additional Neurological Events
Eur J Vasc Endovasc Surg, 54 (4), 415-422
DOI 10.1016/j.ejvs.2017.07.013, PubMed 28844552

Publications 2016

Haugsten EM, Sørensen V, Kunova Bosakova M, de Souza GA, Krejci P, Wiedlocha A, Wesche J (2016)
Proximity Labeling Reveals Molecular Determinants of FGFR4 Endosomal Transport
J Proteome Res, 15 (10), 3841-3855
DOI 10.1021/acs.jproteome.6b00652, PubMed 27615514

Zöllner H, Jouni R, Panzer S, Khadour A, Janzen L, Wesche J, Ten Berg M, Schellong S, Heinken A, Greinacher A, Bakchoul T (2016)
Platelet activation in the presence of neutral protamine Hagedorn insulin: a new feature of antibodies against protamine/heparin complexes
J Thromb Haemost, 15 (1), 176-184
DOI 10.1111/jth.13547, PubMed 27759896

Publications 2014

Haugsten EM, Brech A, Liestøl K, Norman JC, Wesche J (2014)
Photoactivation approaches reveal a role for Rab11 in FGFR4 recycling and signalling
Traffic, 15 (6), 665-83
DOI 10.1111/tra.12168, PubMed 24589086

Oppelt A, Haugsten EM, Zech T, Danielsen HE, Sveen A, Lobert VH, Skotheim RI, Wesche J (2014)
PIKfyve, MTMR3 and their product PtdIns5P regulate cancer cell migration and invasion through activation of Rac1
Biochem J, 461 (3), 383-90
DOI 10.1042/BJ20140132, PubMed 24840251

Publications 2013

Haugsten EM, Oppelt A, Wesche J (2013)
Phosphatidylinositol 5-phosphate is a second messenger important for cell migration
Commun Integr Biol, 6 (5), e25446
DOI 10.4161/cib.25446, PubMed 24265857

Nadratowska-Wesolowska B, Haugsten EM, Zakrzewska M, Jakimowicz P, Zhen Y, Pajdzik D, Wesche J, Wiedlocha A (2013)
RSK2 regulates endocytosis of FGF receptor 1 by phosphorylation on serine 789
Oncogene, 33 (40), 4823-36
DOI 10.1038/onc.2013.425, PubMed 24141780

Zakrzewska M, Haugsten EM, Nadratowska-Wesolowska B, Oppelt A, Hausott B, Jin Y, Otlewski J, Wesche J, Wiedlocha A (2013)
ERK-mediated phosphorylation of fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 on Ser777 inhibits signaling
Sci Signal, 6 (262), ra11
DOI 10.1126/scisignal.2003087, PubMed 23405013

Publications 2012

Oppelt A, Lobert VH, Haglund K, Mackey AM, Rameh LE, Liestøl K, Schink KO, Pedersen NM, Wenzel EM, Haugsten EM, Brech A, Rusten TE, Stenmark H, Wesche J (2012)
Production of phosphatidylinositol 5-phosphate via PIKfyve and MTMR3 regulates cell migration
EMBO Rep, 14 (1), 57-64
DOI 10.1038/embor.2012.183, PubMed 23154468

Publications 2011

Haugsten EM, Zakrzewska M, Brech A, Pust S, Olsnes S, Sandvig K, Wesche J (2011)
Clathrin- and dynamin-independent endocytosis of FGFR3--implications for signalling
PLoS One, 6 (7), e21708
DOI 10.1371/journal.pone.0021708, PubMed 21779335

Nådland IH, Wesche J, Sheriff DD, Toska K (2011)
Does the great saphenous vein stripping improve arterial leg blood flow during exercise?
Eur J Vasc Endovasc Surg, 41 (5), 697-703
DOI 10.1016/j.ejvs.2011.01.022, PubMed 21376644

Nådland IH, Wesche J, Sheriff DD, Toska K (2011)
Does venous insufficiency impair the exercise-induced rise in arterial leg blood flow?
Phlebology, 26 (8), 326-31
DOI 10.1258/phleb.2011.010092, PubMed 21937517

Wesche J, Haglund K, Haugsten EM (2011)
Fibroblast growth factors and their receptors in cancer
Biochem J, 437 (2), 199-213
DOI 10.1042/BJ20101603, PubMed 21711248

Publications 2010

Haglund K, Nezis IP, Lemus D, Grabbe C, Wesche J, Liestøl K, Dikic I, Palmer R, Stenmark H (2010)
Cindr interacts with anillin to control cytokinesis in Drosophila melanogaster
Curr Biol, 20 (10), 944-50
DOI 10.1016/j.cub.2010.03.068, PubMed 20451383

Haugsten EM, Wiedlocha A, Olsnes S, Wesche J (2010)
Roles of fibroblast growth factor receptors in carcinogenesis
Mol Cancer Res, 8 (11), 1439-52
DOI 10.1158/1541-7786.MCR-10-0168, PubMed 21047773

Lobert VH, Brech A, Pedersen NM, Wesche J, Oppelt A, Malerød L, Stenmark H (2010)
Ubiquitination of alpha 5 beta 1 integrin controls fibroblast migration through lysosomal degradation of fibronectin-integrin complexes
Dev Cell, 19 (1), 148-59
DOI 10.1016/j.devcel.2010.06.010, PubMed 20643357

Publications 2009

Zakrzewska M, Zhen Y, Wiedlocha A, Olsnes S, Wesche J (2009)
Size limitation in translocation of fibroblast growth factor 1 fusion proteins across the endosomal membrane
Biochemistry, 48 (30), 7209-18
DOI 10.1021/bi9007353, PubMed 19558187

Publications 2008

Haugsten EM, Malecki J, Bjørklund SM, Olsnes S, Wesche J (2008)
Ubiquitination of fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 is required for its intracellular sorting but not for its endocytosis
Mol Biol Cell, 19 (8), 3390-403
DOI 10.1091/mbc.e07-12-1219, PubMed 18480409

Publications 2007

Nilsen T, Rosendal KR, Sørensen V, Wesche J, Olsnes S, Wiedłocha A (2007)
A nuclear export sequence located on a beta-strand in fibroblast growth factor-1
J Biol Chem, 282 (36), 26245-56
DOI 10.1074/jbc.M611234200, PubMed 17616529

Publications 2006

Raiborg C, Wesche J, Malerød L, Stenmark H (2006)
Flat clathrin coats on endosomes mediate degradative protein sorting by scaffolding Hrs in dynamic microdomains
J Cell Sci, 119 (Pt 12), 2414-24
DOI 10.1242/jcs.02978, PubMed 16720641

Sørensen V, Wiedlocha A, Haugsten EM, Khnykin D, Wesche J, Olsnes S (2006)
Different abilities of the four FGFRs to mediate FGF-1 translocation are linked to differences in the receptor C-terminal tail
J Cell Sci, 119 (Pt 20), 4332-41
DOI 10.1242/jcs.03209, PubMed 17003104

Wesche J, Małecki J, Wiedłocha A, Skjerpen CS, Claus P, Olsnes S (2006)
FGF-1 and FGF-2 require the cytosolic chaperone Hsp90 for translocation into the cytosol and the cell nucleus
J Biol Chem, 281 (16), 11405-12
DOI 10.1074/jbc.M600477200, PubMed 16495214

Publications 2005

Haugsten EM, Sørensen V, Brech A, Olsnes S, Wesche J (2005)
Different intracellular trafficking of FGF1 endocytosed by the four homologous FGF receptors
J Cell Sci, 118 (Pt 17), 3869-81
DOI 10.1242/jcs.02509, PubMed 16091423

Lembert N, Wesche J, Petersen P, Doser M, Zschocke P, Becker HD, Ammon HPT (2005)
Encapsulation of Islets in Rough Surface, Hydroxymethylated Polysulfone Capillaries Stimulates VEGF Release and Promotes Vascularization after Transplantation
Cell Transplant, 14 (2-3), 97-108
DOI 10.3727/000000005783983232, PubMed 28871857

Wesche J, Małecki J, Wiedłocha A, Ehsani M, Marcinkowska E, Nilsen T, Olsnes S (2005)
Two nuclear localization signals required for transport from the cytosol to the nucleus of externally added FGF-1 translocated into cells
Biochemistry, 44 (16), 6071-80
DOI 10.1021/bi047403m, PubMed 15835896

Publications 2004

Wiedłocha A, Nilsen T, Wesche J, Sørensen V, Małecki J, Marcinkowska E, Olsnes S (2004)
Phosphorylation-regulated nucleocytoplasmic trafficking of internalized fibroblast growth factor-1
Mol Biol Cell, 16 (2), 794-810
DOI 10.1091/mbc.e04-05-0389, PubMed 15574884

Publications 2003

Małecki J, Wesche J, Skjerpen CS, Wiedłocha A, Olsnes S (2003)
Translocation of FGF-1 and FGF-2 across vesicular membranes occurs during G1-phase by a common mechanism
Mol Biol Cell, 15 (2), 801-14
DOI 10.1091/mbc.e03-08-0589, PubMed 14657241

Publications 2002

Małecki J, Wiedłocha A, Wesche J, Olsnes S (2002)
Vesicle transmembrane potential is required for translocation to the cytosol of externally added FGF-1
EMBO J, 21 (17), 4480-90
DOI 10.1093/emboj/cdf472, PubMed 12198150

Skjerpen CS, Nilsen T, Wesche J, Olsnes S (2002)
Binding of FGF-1 variants to protein kinase CK2 correlates with mitogenicity
EMBO J, 21 (15), 4058-69
DOI 10.1093/emboj/cdf402, PubMed 12145206

Skjerpen CS, Wesche J, Olsnes S (2002)
Identification of ribosome-binding protein p34 as an intracellular protein that binds acidic fibroblast growth factor
J Biol Chem, 277 (26), 23864-71
DOI 10.1074/jbc.M112193200, PubMed 11964394

Wesche J (2002)
Retrograde transport of ricin
Int J Med Microbiol, 291 (6-7), 517-21
DOI 10.1078/1438-4221-00161, PubMed 11890552

Publications 2001

Citores L, Khnykin D, Sørensen V, Wesche J, Klingenberg O, Wiedłocha A, Olsnes S (2001)
Modulation of intracellular transport of acidic fibroblast growth factor by mutations in the cytoplasmic receptor domain
J Cell Sci, 114 (Pt 9), 1677-89
DOI 10.1242/jcs.114.9.1677, PubMed 11398757

Falnes PØ, Wesche J, Olsnes S (2001)
Ability of the Tat basic domain and VP22 to mediate cell binding, but not membrane translocation of the diphtheria toxin A-fragment
Biochemistry, 40 (14), 4349-58
DOI 10.1021/bi002443l, PubMed 11284691

Olsnes S, Wesche J (2001)
Microbiology. Fighting anthrax with a mutant toxin
Science, 292 (5517), 647-8
DOI 10.1126/science.1060857, PubMed 11330322

Publications 2000

Day PJ, Owens SR, Wesche J, Olsnes S, Roberts LM, Lord JM (2000)
An interaction between ricin and calreticulin that may have implications for toxin trafficking
J Biol Chem, 276 (10), 7202-8
DOI 10.1074/jbc.M009499200, PubMed 11113144

Wesche J (2000)
Translocation of proteins across cellular membranes: entry of anthrax toxin, ricin and aFGF into cells
Department Group for Laboratory Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, University of Oslo, [Oslo], 1 b. (flere pag.)
BIBSYS 01029497x, ISBN 82-7633-160-2

Wesche J, Wiedłocha A, Falnes PO, Choe S, Olsnes S (2000)
Externally added aFGF mutants do not require extensive unfolding for transport to the cytosol and the nucleus in NIH/3T3 cells
Biochemistry, 39 (49), 15091-100
DOI 10.1021/bi001831k, PubMed 11106487

Publications 1999

Citores L, Wesche J, Kolpakova E, Olsnes S (1999)
Uptake and intracellular transport of acidic fibroblast growth factor: evidence for free and cytoskeleton-anchored fibroblast growth factor receptors
Mol Biol Cell, 10 (11), 3835-48
DOI 10.1091/mbc.10.11.3835, PubMed 10564275

Wesche J, Rapak A, Olsnes S (1999)
Dependence of ricin toxicity on translocation of the toxin A-chain from the endoplasmic reticulum to the cytosol
J Biol Chem, 274 (48), 34443-9
DOI 10.1074/jbc.274.48.34443, PubMed 10567425

Publications 1998

Wesche J, Elliott JL, Falnes PO, Olsnes S, Collier RJ (1998)
Characterization of membrane translocation by anthrax protective antigen
Biochemistry, 37 (45), 15737-46
DOI 10.1021/bi981436i, PubMed 9843379