
Level 1: Academic users affiliated to hospitals, universities or university colleges in HSØ region. 25% VAT will be added to the listed price for users outside of OUS and UiO.

Level 2:  Other external users, including industry. 25% VAT will be added to the listed price.

Prices are in NOK. 


Level 1

Level 2

Recombinant protein expression (in E. coli) and purification (customer provides construct; 6 litres standard volume).

500 kr/hour + 2500 kr to cover material

1000 kr/hour + 2500 kr to cover material

Crystallization screening, including microscope inspection of plates (up to 3 samples per screen, customer provides protein)

800 kr/screen

2000 kr/screen

Unsupervised use of instruments for MST, nanoDSF, ITC, DLS, FPLC. Customer provides samples. Consumables charged at retail price.

250 kr/hour

1000 kr/24hours

600 kr/hour

2400 kr/24hours

Operator support / training of users for instruments for ITC, MST, SPR, DLS, FPLC. Customer provides samples. Consumables charged at retail price.

500 kr/hour

1500 kr/hour

Sample handling, characterization, synchrotron data collection, data processing, structural modelling and analysis, preparation of material for publication (*)

500 kr/hour (*)

1500 kr/hour

Structural bioinformatics, structure-activity analyses (*)

500 kr/hour (*)

1500 kr/hour

(*) No fees are incurred for these services when the core facility staff member(s) involved in the work is/are co-author(s) of scientific publications, since these steps are normally carried out as a collaborative project. If academic users want to pay for such services without collaboration and co-autohorship, a fee of 500 kr/hour will be charged. Please note that co-autohorship might be required according to Vancouver convention.