Service innovation and digitalization in mental health care services

Group leader
In the future, scarce resources will increase the need for innovative service solutions. The group is founded to gather knowledge about how we can build a robust healthcare service for patients with mental illness using service innovation and digitalization. We address issues related to the use of applications and video solutions and emphasize design methodology as part of the development of flexible healthcare services. We will also develop methodology to evaluate the effect of integrating digital solutions. Formative evaluations will support both development and integration of digital services and provide managers with valuable information about effect before implementation.
Longterm goals
In the long term, we aim to make an impact on future services for people with mental illness. To do so with fewer resources, we must use the possibilities inherent in technological tools to be able to offer equal services to more people. We will:
- develop frameworks for digital services in mental health care such as family work, video consultations and digital treatment tools to enhance treatment and be able to support future service development
- explore radical change processes in the development of mental health services with the use of design thinking
- use early health technology assessment to underpin decision making in mental health care
- explore how digitalization can support and enhance implementation of evidence-based knowledge among clinicians in specialist health care