29 March 2010, Combination of stem cell model system from Center group with innovative use of microfluidics to control in vitro stem cell niches

The Royal Societey of Chemistry (RSC) is the largest organisation in Europe for advancing the chemical sciences. Recently (29 March 2010), in their "Latest news" section, under the heading "Highlights in Cell Biology", they published an article entitled "Stem cells find their polystyrene niche", with the following introduction: "Norwegian scientists have developed a microfluidic device that can cultivate stem cells for a period of three weeks".
The news article is about the following paper: Extensive adipogenic and osteogenic differentiation of patterned human mesenchymal stem cells in a microfluidic device, Ellen Tenstad, Anna Tourovskaia, Albert Folch, Ola Myklebost and Edith Rian,
Lab Chip, 2010
Stem cells find their polystyrene niche (article from RSC Publishing, from the section "Highlights in Cell Biology")
Extensive adipogenic and osteogenic differentiation of patterned human mesenchymal stem cells in a microfluidic device
Ellen Tenstad, Anna Tourovskaia, Albert Folch, Ola Myklebost and Edith Rian,
Lab Chip, 2010
DOI: 10.1039/b926738g