Wanja Kildal

  • Post doc; PhD
  • (+47) 22 78 23 35

Publications 2024

Cyll K, Skaaheim Haug E, Pradhan M, Vlatkovic L, Carlsen B, Löffeler S, Kildal W, Skogstad K, Hauge Torkelsen F, Syvertsen RA, Askautrud HA, Liestøl K, Kleppe A, Danielsen HE (2024)
DNA ploidy and PTEN as biomarkers for predicting aggressive disease in prostate cancer patients under active surveillance
Br J Cancer, 131 (5), 895-904
DOI 10.1038/s41416-024-02780-x, PubMed 38961192

Feroz B, Pan TL, Leitner K, Ebner C, Steger K, Kildal W, Kristensen G, Zeimet AG, Hackl H, Fiegl H, Marth C, Wieser V (2024)
Tumoral programmed cell death 1 (PD1) expression in endometrial carcinoma is a prognostic marker for patient outcome
Int J Gynecol Cancer, 34 (11), 1711-1718
DOI 10.1136/ijgc-2023-005188, PubMed 38969503

Frei AL, McGuigan A, Sinha RRAK, Jabbar F, Gneo L, Tomasevic T, Harkin A, Iveson T, Saunders MP, Oien KA, Maka N, Pezzella F, Campo L, Browne M, Glaire M, Kildal W, Danielsen HE, Hay J, Edwards J, Sansom O, Kelly C, Tomlinson I, Kerr R, Kerr D, Domingo E et al. (2024)
Multiplex analysis of intratumoural immune infiltrate and prognosis in patients with stage II-III colorectal cancer from the SCOT and QUASAR 2 trials: a retrospective analysis
Lancet Oncol, 25 (2), 198-211
DOI 10.1016/S1470-2045(23)00560-0, PubMed 38301689

Kildal W, Cyll K, Kalsnes J, Islam R, Julbø FM, Pradhan M, Ersvær E, Shepherd N, Vlatkovic L, OSBREAC, Tekpli X, Garred Ø, Kristensen GB, Askautrud HA, Hveem TS, Danielsen HE, OSBREAC - Oslo Breast Cancer Consortium (2024)
Deep learning for automated scoring of immunohistochemically stained tumour tissue sections - Validation across tumour types based on patient outcomes
Heliyon, 10 (13), e32529
DOI 10.1016/j.heliyon.2024.e32529, PubMed 39040241

Kleppe A, Lindemann K, Kildal W, Tobin KAR, Pradhan M, Vlatkovic L, Isaksen MX, Danielsen HE, Askautrud HA, Kristensen GB (2024)
Prognostic and therapeutic implication of molecular classification including L1CAM expression in high-risk endometrial cancer
Gynecol Oncol, 192, 80-88
DOI 10.1016/j.ygyno.2024.11.005, PubMed 39549540

Lindemann K, Kildal W, Kleppe A, Tobin KAR, Pradhan M, Isaksen MX, Vlatkovic L, Danielsen HE, Kristensen GB, Askautrud HA (2024)
Impact of molecular profile on prognosis and relapse pattern in low and intermediate risk endometrial cancer
Eur J Cancer, 200, 113584
DOI 10.1016/j.ejca.2024.113584, PubMed 38330767

Unal B, Kuzu OF, Jin Y, Osorio D, Kildal W, Pradhan M, Kung SHY, Oo HZ, Daugaard M, Vendelbo M, Patterson JB, Thomsen MK, Kuijjer ML, Saatcioglu F (2024)
Targeting IRE1α reprograms the tumor microenvironment and enhances anti-tumor immunity in prostate cancer
Nat Commun, 15 (1), 8895
DOI 10.1038/s41467-024-53039-1, PubMed 39406723

Publications 2023

Frei AL, McGuigan A, Sinha RR, Glaire MA, Jabbar F, Gneo L, Tomasevic T, Harkin A, Iveson TJ, Saunders M, Oein K, Maka N, Pezella F, Campo L, Hay J, Edwards J, Sansom OJ, Kelly C, Tomlinson I, Kildal W, Kerr RS, Kerr DJ, Danielsen HE, Domingo E, TransSCOT Consortium et al. (2023)
Accounting for intensity variation in image analysis of large-scale multiplexed clinical trial datasets
J Pathol Clin Res, 9 (6), 449-463
DOI 10.1002/cjp2.342, PubMed 37697694

Panagopoulos I, Andersen K, Brunetti M, Gorunova L, Kostolomov I, Kildal W, Hognestad HR, Lobmaier I, Micci F, Heim S (2023)
Pathogenetic Dichotomy in Angioleiomyoma
Cancer Genomics Proteomics, 20 (6), 556-566
DOI 10.21873/cgp.20405, PubMed 37889065

Publications 2022

Fusser M, Øverbye A, Pandya AD, Mørch Ý, Borgos SE, Kildal W, Snipstad S, Sulheim E, Fleten KG, Askautrud HA, Engebraaten O, Flatmark K, Iversen TG, Sandvig K, Skotland T, Mælandsmo GM (2022)
Corrigendum to "Cabazitaxel-loaded Poly(2-ethylbutyl cyanoacrylate) nanoparticles improve treatment efficacy in a patient derived breast cancer xenograft", [Journal of Control Release, 293 (2019) 183-192]
J Control Release, 349, 1
DOI 10.1016/j.jconrel.2022.06.040, PubMed 35792388

Publications 2021

Cyll K, Kleppe A, Kalsnes J, Vlatkovic L, Pradhan M, Kildal W, Tobin KAR, Reine TM, Wæhre H, Brennhovd B, Askautrud HA, Skaaheim Haug E, Hveem TS, Danielsen HE (2021)
PTEN and DNA Ploidy Status by Machine Learning in Prostate Cancer
Cancers (Basel), 13 (17)
DOI 10.3390/cancers13174291, PubMed 34503100

Nunes-Xavier CE, Kildal W, Kleppe A, Danielsen HE, Waehre H, Llarena R, Maelandsmo GM, Fodstad Ø, Pulido R, López JI (2021)
Immune checkpoint B7-H3 protein expression is associated with poor outcome and androgen receptor status in prostate cancer
Prostate, 81 (12), 838-848
DOI 10.1002/pros.24180, PubMed 34125445

Pandya AD, Iversen TG, Moestue S, Grinde MT, Mørch Ý, Snipstad S, Åslund AKO, Øy GF, Kildal W, Engebråten O, Sandvig K, Skotland T, Mælandsmo GM (2021)
Biodistribution of Poly(alkyl cyanoacrylate) Nanoparticles in Mice and Effect on Tumor Infiltration of Macrophages into a Patient-Derived Breast Cancer Xenograft
Nanomaterials (Basel), 11 (5)
DOI 10.3390/nano11051140, PubMed 33924869

Pällmann N, Deng K, Livgård M, Tesikova M, Jin Y, Frengen NS, Kahraman N, Mokhlis HM, Ozpolat B, Kildal W, Danielsen HE, Fazli L, Rennie PS, Banerjee PP, Üren A, Jin Y, Kuzu OF, Saatcioglu F (2021)
Stress-Mediated Reprogramming of Prostate Cancer One-Carbon Cycle Drives Disease Progression
Cancer Res, 81 (15), 4066-4078
DOI 10.1158/0008-5472.CAN-20-3956, PubMed 34183356

Rye IH, Huse K, Josefsson SE, Kildal W, Danielsen HE, Schlichting E, Garred Ø, Riis ML, Osbreac, Lingjaerde OC, Myklebust JH, Russnes HG (2021)
Breast cancer metastasis: immune profiling of lymph nodes reveals exhaustion of effector T cells and immunosuppression
Mol Oncol, 16 (1), 88-103
DOI 10.1002/1878-0261.13047, PubMed 34165864

Publications 2019

Ersvær E, Kildal W, Vlatkovic L, Cyll K, Pradhan M, Kleppe A, Hveem TS, Askautrud HA, Novelli M, Wæhre H, Liestøl K, Danielsen HE (2019)
Prognostic value of mitotic checkpoint protein BUB3, cyclin B1, and pituitary tumor-transforming 1 expression in prostate cancer
Mod Pathol, 33 (5), 905-915
DOI 10.1038/s41379-019-0418-2, PubMed 31801961

Glaire MA, Domingo E, Sveen A, Bruun J, Nesbakken A, Nicholson G, Novelli M, Lawson K, Oukrif D, Kildal W, Danielsen HE, Kerr R, Kerr D, Tomlinson I, Lothe RA, Church DN (2019)
Tumour-infiltrating CD8+ lymphocytes and colorectal cancer recurrence by tumour and nodal stage
Br J Cancer, 121 (6), 474-482
DOI 10.1038/s41416-019-0540-4, PubMed 31388185

Glaire MA, Domingo E, Sveen A, Bruun J, Nesbakken A, Nicholson G, Novelli M, Lawson K, Oukrif D, Kildal W, Danielsen HE, Kerr R, Kerr D, Tomlinson I, Lothe RA, Church DN (2019)
Correction: Tumour-infiltrating CD8+ lymphocytes and colorectal cancer recurrence by tumour and nodal stage
Br J Cancer, 121 (9), 807
DOI 10.1038/s41416-019-0590-7, PubMed 31548598

Publications 2018

Fusser M, Øverbye A, Pandya AD, Mørch Ý, Borgos SE, Kildal W, Snipstad S, Sulheim E, Fleten KG, Askautrud HA, Engebraaten O, Flatmark K, Iversen TG, Sandvig K, Skotland T, Mælandsmo GM (2018)
Cabazitaxel-loaded Poly(2-ethylbutyl cyanoacrylate) nanoparticles improve treatment efficacy in a patient derived breast cancer xenograft
J Control Release, 293, 183-192
DOI 10.1016/j.jconrel.2018.11.029, PubMed 30529259

Publications 2017

Cyll K, Ersvær E, Vlatkovic L, Pradhan M, Kildal W, Avranden Kjær M, Kleppe A, Hveem TS, Carlsen B, Gill S, Löffeler S, Haug ES, Wæhre H, Sooriakumaran P, Danielsen HE (2017)
Tumour heterogeneity poses a significant challenge to cancer biomarker research
Br J Cancer, 117 (3), 367-375
DOI 10.1038/bjc.2017.171, PubMed 28618431

Kildal W, Pradhan M, Cyll K, Jacobsen JE, Kristensen GB, Danielsen HE (2017)
[Properties of cancer cell DNA affects the prognosis]
Tidsskr Nor Laegeforen, 137 (19)
DOI 10.4045/tidsskr.16.0966, PubMed 29043733

Kildal W, Pradhan M, Cyll K, Jacobsen JE, Kristensen GB, Danielsen HE (2017)
Characteristics of tumor cell DNA affect prognosis
Tidsskr. Nor. Laegeforen., 137 (19), 1519-1523

Publications 2016

Hveem TS, Njølstad TS, Nielsen B, Syvertsen RA, Nesheim JA, Kjæreng ML, Kildal W, Pradhan M, Marcickiewicz J, Tingulstad S, Staff AC, Haugland HK, Eraker R, Oddenes K, Rokne JA, Tjugum J, Lode MS, Amant F, Werner HM, Bjørge L, Albregtsen F, Liestøl K, Salvesen HB, Trovik J, Danielsen HE et al. (2016)
Changes in Chromatin Structure in Curettage Specimens Identifies High-Risk Patients in Endometrial Cancer
Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev, 26 (1), 61-67
DOI 10.1158/1055-9965.EPI-16-0215, PubMed 27587790

Silva MP, Barros-Silva JD, Ersvær E, Kildal W, Hveem TS, Pradhan M, Vieira J, Teixeira MR, Danielsen HE (2016)
Cancer Prognosis Defined by the Combined Analysis of 8q, PTEN and ERG
Transl Oncol, 9 (6), 575-582
DOI 10.1016/j.tranon.2016.08.005, PubMed 27916292

Publications 2015

Njølstad TS, Trovik J, Hveem TS, Kjæreng ML, Kildal W, Pradhan M, Marcickiewicz J, Tingulstad S, Staff AC, Haugland HK, Eraker R, Oddenes K, Rokne JA, Tjugum J, Lode MS, ENITEC Network/MoMaTEC Study Group, Amant F, Werner HM, Salvesen HB, Danielsen HE (2015)
DNA ploidy in curettage specimens identifies high-risk patients and lymph node metastasis in endometrial cancer
Br J Cancer, 112 (10), 1656-64
DOI 10.1038/bjc.2015.123, PubMed 25897678

Publications 2014

Nielsen B, Hveem TS, Kildal W, Abeler VM, Kristensen GB, Albregtsen F, Danielsen HE (2014)
Entropy-based adaptive nuclear texture features are independent prognostic markers in a total population of uterine sarcomas
Cytometry A, 87 (4), 315-25
DOI 10.1002/cyto.a.22601, PubMed 25483227

Publications 2012

Nielsen B, Albregtsen F, Kildal W, Abeler VM, Kristensen GB, Danielsen HE (2012)
The prognostic value of adaptive nuclear texture features from patient gray level entropy matrices in early stage ovarian cancer
Anal Cell Pathol (Amst), 35 (4), 305-14
DOI 10.3233/ACP-2012-0065, PubMed 22596183

Publications 2011

Kildal W, Micci F, Risberg B, Abeler VM, Kristensen GB, Heim S, Danielsen HE (2011)
Genomic imbalances in endometrial adenocarcinomas - comparison of DNA ploidy, karyotyping and comparative genomic hybridization
Mol Oncol, 6 (1), 98-107
DOI 10.1016/j.molonc.2011.10.002, PubMed 22062770

Publications 2010

Kildal W (2010)
DNA ploidy as a prognostic marker in selected gynecological malignancies
In Series of dissertations submitted to the Faculty of Medicine, University of Oslo, Unipub, Oslo, no. 960, 1 b. (flere pag.)
BIBSYS 101339887, ISBN 978-82-8072-493-9

Pradhan M, Abeler VM, Davidson B, Kildal W, Nybøen A, Tropé CG, Risberg B, Danielsen HE (2010)
DNA ploidy heterogeneity in endometrial carcinoma: comparison between curettage and hysterectomy specimens
Int J Gynecol Pathol, 29 (6), 572-8
DOI 10.1097/PGP.0b013e3181e2e8ee, PubMed 20881853

Publications 2009

Kildal W, Abeler VM, Kristensen GB, Jenstad M, Thoresen SØ, Danielsen HE (2009)
The prognostic value of DNA ploidy in a total population of uterine sarcomas
Ann Oncol, 20 (6), 1037-41
DOI 10.1093/annonc/mdn765, PubMed 19201782

Kildal W, Pradhan M, Abeler VM, Kristensen GB, Danielsen HE (2009)
Beta-catenin expression in uterine sarcomas and its relation to clinicopathological parameters
Eur J Cancer, 45 (13), 2412-7
DOI 10.1016/j.ejca.2009.06.017, PubMed 19622417

Publications 2007

Sudbo J, Bryne M, Mao L, Lotan R, Reith A, Kildal W, Davidson B, Soland TM, Lippman SM (2007)
Molecular based treatment of oral cancer (Retraction of vol 39, pg 749, 2003)
Oral Oncol., 43 (4), 421
DOI 10.1016/j.oraloncology.2007.01.004

Sudbo J, Ried T, Bryne M, Kildal W, Danielsen H, Reith A (2007)
Abnormal DNA content predicts the occurrence of carcinomas in non-dysplastic oral white patches (Retraction of vol 37, pg 558, 2001)
Oral Oncol., 43 (4), 418
DOI 10.1016/j.oraloncology.2007.01.001

Sudbo J, Ristimaki A, Sondresen JE, Kildal W, Boysen M, Koppang HS, Reith A, Risberg B, Nesland JM, Bryne M (2007)
Cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) expression in high-risk premalignant oral lesions (Retraction of vol 39, pg 497, 2003)
Oral Oncol., 43 (4), 420
DOI 10.1016/j.oraloncology.2007.01.003

Publications 2005

Kildal W, Risberg B, Abeler VM, Kristensen GB, Sudbø J, Nesland JM, Danielsen HE (2005)
beta-catenin expression, DNA ploidy and clinicopathological features in ovarian cancer: a study in 253 patients
Eur J Cancer, 41 (8), 1127-34
DOI 10.1016/j.ejca.2005.01.022, PubMed 15911235

Sudbø J, Lee JJ, Lippman SM, Mork J, Sagen S, Flatner N, Ristimäki A, Sudbø A, Mao L, Zhou X, Kildal W, Evensen JF, Reith A, Dannenberg AJ (2005)
Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and the risk of oral cancer: a nested case-control study
Lancet, 366 (9494), 1359-66 (Retracted)
DOI 10.1016/S0140-6736(05)67488-0, PubMed 16226613

Publications 2004

Kildal W, Kaern J, Kraggerud SM, Abeler VM, Sudbø J, Tropè CG, Lothe RA, Danielsen HE (2004)
Evaluation of genomic changes in a large series of malignant ovarian germ cell tumors--relation to clinicopathologic variables
Cancer Genet Cytogenet, 155 (1), 25-32
DOI 10.1016/j.cancergencyto.2004.02.010, PubMed 15527899

Sudbø J, Lippman SM, Lee JJ, Mao L, Kildal W, Sudbø A, Sagen S, Bryne M, El-Naggar A, Risberg B, Evensen JF, Reith A (2004)
The influence of resection and aneuploidy on mortality in oral leukoplakia
N Engl J Med, 350 (14), 1405-13 (Retracted)
DOI 10.1056/NEJMoa033374, PubMed 15070790

Publications 2003

Kildal W, Kraggerud SM, Abeler VM, Heim S, Tropé CG, Kristensen GB, Risberg B, Lothe RA, Danielsen HE (2003)
Genome profiles of bilateral dysgerminomas, a unilateral gonadoblastoma, and a metastasis from a 46, XY phenotypic female
Hum Pathol, 34 (9), 946-9
DOI 10.1016/s0046-8177(03)00345-9, PubMed 14562293

Kristensen GB, Kildal W, Abeler VM, Kaern J, Vergote I, Tropé CG, Danielsen HE (2003)
Large-scale genomic instability predicts long-term outcome for women with invasive stage I ovarian cancer
Ann Oncol, 14 (10), 1494-500
DOI 10.1093/annonc/mdg403, PubMed 14504048

Sudbø J, Bryne M, Mao L, Lotan R, Reith A, Kildal W, Davidson B, Søland TM, Lippman SM (2003)
Molecular based treatment of oral cancer
Oral Oncol, 39 (8), 749-58 (Retracted)
DOI 10.1016/s1368-8375(03)00098-8, PubMed 13679198

Sudbø J, Ristimäki A, Sondresen JE, Kildal W, Boysen M, Koppang HS, Reith A, Risberg B, Nesland JM, Bryne M (2003)
Cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) expression in high-risk premalignant oral lesions
Oral Oncol, 39 (5), 497-505 (Retracted)
DOI 10.1016/s1368-8375(03)00012-5, PubMed 12747975

Publications 2002

Sudbø J, Kildal W, Johannessen AC, Koppang HS, Sudbø A, Danielsen HE, Risberg B, Reith A (2002)
Gross genomic aberrations in precancers: clinical implications of a long-term follow-up study in oral erythroplakias
J Clin Oncol, 20 (2), 456-62
DOI 10.1200/JCO.2002.20.2.456, PubMed 11786574

Publications 2001

Nielsen B, Albregtsen F, Kildal W, Danielsen HE (2001)
Prognostic classification of early ovarian cancer based on very low dimensionality adaptive texture feature vectors from cell nuclei from monolayers and histological sections
Anal Cell Pathol, 23 (2), 75-88
DOI 10.1155/2001/683747, PubMed 11904463

Sudbø J, Bryne M, Johannessen AC, Kildal W, Danielsen HE, Reith A (2001)
Comparison of histological grading and large-scale genomic status (DNA ploidy) as prognostic tools in oral dysplasia
J Pathol, 194 (3), 303-10 (Retracted)
DOI 10.1002/1096-9896(200107)194:3<303::AID-PATH879>3.0.CO;2-Q, PubMed 11439362

Sudbø J, Kildal W, Risberg B, Koppang HS, Danielsen HE, Reith A (2001)
DNA content as a prognostic marker in patients with oral leukoplakia
N Engl J Med, 344 (17), 1270-8 (Retracted)
DOI 10.1056/NEJM200104263441702, PubMed 11320386

Sudbø J, Ried T, Bryne M, Kildal W, Danielsen H, Reith A (2001)
Abnormal DNA content predicts the occurrence of carcinomas in non-dysplastic oral white patches
Oral Oncol, 37 (7), 558-65 (Retracted)
DOI 10.1016/s1368-8375(00)00126-3, PubMed 11564576

Publications 2000

Danielsen HE, Kildal W, Sudbø J (2000)
[Digital image analysis in pathology--exemplified in prostatic cancer]
Tidsskr Nor Laegeforen, 120 (4), 479-88
PubMed 10833941

Publications 1996

Kildal W (1996)
Meth A sarcom celler fører til selektiv nedregulering av MHC klasse II varianten I-A₃ og modulering av cytokin frigjøring fra peritoneale makrofager, in vitro
Institutt for medisinsk biologi, Universitetet i Tromsø, Tromsø, IX, 70 s.
BIBSYS 970276664