Injury Prevention and Outcomes following Trauma (IPOT)

Traumatic injury is a major cause of mortality, long-term pain and reduced health related quality of life. The development of modern trauma systems have improved the acute care management of trauma patients and, consequently, increased survival following severe injury. However, the road back to pre-trauma life is difficult for many patients. The rehabilitation healthcare system is not nationally uniform and has limited resources, potentially complicating early post-trauma patient trajectories.

Leiv Arne RosselandGroup leader
Leiv Arne Rosseland
Group leader
The aims in IPOT project are to determine the contribution of injury-specific, biopsychosocial, and geographic factors in the risk of experiencing traumatic events, and the post injury development of long-term pain, disability, and persistent use of prescribed drugs with abuse potential. These aims are detailed in several ongoing sub-projects that are initiated and led by the IPOT group.

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