
Christine Friestad
- Researcher; PhD
Publications 2024
The Startle Response and Prepulse Inhibition in Psychosis and Violence: A Combined Electromyography and Electroencephalography Study
Schizophr Bull Open, 6 (1), sgae031
DOI 10.1093/schizbullopen/sgae031, PubMed 39882404
Hypothalamic subunit volumes and relations to violence and psychopathy in male offenders with or without a psychotic disorder
Eur Arch Psychiatry Clin Neurosci (in press)
DOI 10.1007/s00406-023-01725-4, PubMed 38353675
Characteristics and risk of reimprisonment among children and young adults in Norwegian prisons. A 20-year cohort stud
Journal of Criminal Justice, 93 ( 102219), 1-9
DOI 10.1016/j.jcrimjus.2024.102219, PublikaID 531
Violent Offending in Males With or Without Schizophrenia: A Role for Social Cognition?
Schizophr Bull, 50 (3), 663-672
DOI 10.1093/schbul/sbad151, PubMed 37861424
Publications 2023
Associations Between Clinical Insight and History of Severe Violence in Patients With Psychosis
Schizophr Bull Open, 4 (1), sgad011
DOI 10.1093/schizbullopen/sgad011, PubMed 39145347
Prevalence and characteristics of mental and physical disorders among female prisoners: a mixed-methods systematic review
Int J Prison Health, 19 (4), 599-627
DOI 10.1108/IJPH-12-2022-0080, PubMed 37158168
Common genetic and environmental risk for personality disorders and psychotic-like experiences in young adult twins
Acta Psychiatr Scand, 148 (6), 561-569
DOI 10.1111/acps.13596, PubMed 37497694
Conduct disorder - a comprehensive exploration of comorbidity patterns, genetic and environmental risk factors
Psychiatry Res, 331, 115628
DOI 10.1016/j.psychres.2023.115628, PubMed 38029627
Publications 2022
Psychopathy subdomains in violent offenders with and without a psychotic disorder
Nord J Psychiatry, 77 (4), 393-402
DOI 10.1080/08039488.2022.2128869, PubMed 36260740
PriSUD-Nordic-Diagnosing and Treating Substance Use Disorders in the Prison Population: Protocol for a Mixed Methods Study
JMIR Res Protoc, 11 (3), e35182
DOI 10.2196/35182, PubMed 35320114
The age of violence: Mapping brain age in psychosis and psychopathy
Neuroimage Clin, 36, 103181
DOI 10.1016/j.nicl.2022.103181, PubMed 36088844
Intimate Partner Homicides in Norway 1990-2020: An Analysis of Incidence and Characteristics
J Interpers Violence, 37 (23-24), NP21599-NP21625
DOI 10.1177/08862605211063508, PubMed 34982009
Publications 2021
Associations between amygdala nuclei volumes, psychosis, psychopathy, and violent offending
Psychiatry Res Neuroimaging, 319, 111416
DOI 10.1016/j.pscychresns.2021.111416, PubMed 34847406
Prison officer students' perceptions of persons convicted of sexual crimes
Eur. J. Criminol., 14773708211038538
DOI 10.1177/14773708211038538
An exploration of theory of mind performance among men convicted of rape
Scand J Psychol, 62 (4), 476-483
DOI 10.1111/sjop.12732, PubMed 34085727
Publications 2020
Testing the Static-99R as a Global Screen for Risk of Sex Crime Recidivism in a Norwegian Routine Sample
Sex Abuse, 33 (6), 725-742
DOI 10.1177/1079063220951194, PubMed 32830607
Childhood Trauma in Persons With Schizophrenia and a History of Interpersonal Violence
Front Psychiatry, 11, 383
DOI 10.3389/fpsyt.2020.00383, PubMed 32431632
Publications 2019
The Influence of Substance Use on Intimate Partner Homicide: Evidence from a Norwegian National 22-year Cohort
Int. J. Forensic Ment. Health, 18 (2), 99-110
DOI 10.1080/14999013.2018.1525777
A Comparison of Intimate Partner Homicide With Intimate Partner Homicide-Suicide: Evidence From a Norwegian National 22-Year Cohort
J Interpers Violence, 36 (17-18), 8231-8256
DOI 10.1177/0886260519849656, PubMed 31104552
Publications 2018
Differences in intimate partner homicides perpetrated by men and women: evidence from a Norwegian National 22-year cohort
Psychol. Crime Law, 24 (8), 790-805
DOI 10.1080/1068316X.2018.1438433
Publications 2017
Intimate Partner Homicide in Norway 1990-2012: Identifying Risk Factors Through Structured Risk Assessment, Court Documents, and Interviews With Bereaved
Psychol. Violence, 7 (3), 395-405
DOI 10.1037/vio0000100
Publications 2016
Gender Differences in the Predictive Validity of a Violence Risk Screening Tool: A Prospective Study in an Acute Psychiatric Ward
Int. J. Forensic Ment. Health, 15 (2), 186-197
DOI 10.1080/14999013.2016.1170740
Mother-Child Contact during Incarceration: A Study Based on a National Survey of Women Prisoners
Women Crim. Justice, 26 (3), 199-211
DOI 10.1080/08974454.2015.1087362
Publications 2013
Stalking experiences and associated factors--a controlled population-based study from Norway
Nord J Psychiatry, 68 (5), 347-54
DOI 10.3109/08039488.2013.844273, PubMed 24131400
Publications 2012
Adverse childhood experiences among women prisoners: relationships to suicide attempts and drug abuse
Int J Soc Psychiatry, 60 (1), 40-6
DOI 10.1177/0020764012461235, PubMed 23045353
Publications 2011
Making sense, making good, or making meaning? Cognitive distortions as targets of change in offender treatment
Int J Offender Ther Comp Criminol, 56 (3), 465-82
DOI 10.1177/0306624X11402945, PubMed 21422010
Publications 2010
Socio-economic status and health in a marginalized group: the role of subjective social status among prison inmates
Eur J Public Health, 20 (6), 653-8
DOI 10.1093/eurpub/ckp242, PubMed 20123684
Gender Differences in Inmates' Anticipated Desistance
Eur. J. Criminol., 7 (4), 285-298
DOI 10.1177/1477370810363375
Publications 2009
Drug use and mental health problems among prison inmates--results from a nation-wide prison population study
Nord J Psychiatry, 63 (3), 237-45
DOI 10.1080/08039480802571044, PubMed 19034714
Publications 2008
Social adversities in first-time and repeat prisoners
Int J Soc Psychiatry, 54 (6), 514-26
DOI 10.1177/0020764008091406, PubMed 18974190
Exploring gender issues in the development from conduct disorder in adolescence to criminal behaviour in adulthood
Int J Law Psychiatry, 32 (1), 18-22
DOI 10.1016/j.ijlp.2008.11.004, PubMed 19056125
Publications 2006
Socioeconomic status and health behaviour patterns through adolescence: results from a prospective cohort study in Norway
Eur J Public Health, 16 (1), 41-7
DOI 10.1093/eurpub/cki051, PubMed 16446300
Å spørre den det gjelder: erfaring med klient- og resultatstyrt terapi i psykisk helsearbeid
Regionsenter for barn og unges psykiske helse, Helseregion øst og sør, Oslo, 107, [25] s.
BIBSYS 092755445
Publications 2005
Tilbudet til volds- og sedelighetsdømte: en gjennomgang av fem tiltak
In FAFO-rapport, Fafo, Oslo, 488, 104 s.
BIBSYS 051357283, ISBN 82-7422-492-2
Publications 2004
Levekår blant innsatte
In FAFO-rapport, Fafo, Oslo, 429, 95 s.
BIBSYS 040439089, ISBN 82-7422-422-1
Sammensatte levekårsproblemer blant innsatte i norske fengsler
In Samfunnsspeilet, Statistisk sentralbyrå, Oslo, 18(2004)nr 5, S. 27-30
BIBSYS 051027682
A longitudinal study of the relationship between body image, self-esteem and dieting among 15-21 year olds in Norway
Eur. Eat. Disord. Rev., 12 (4), 247-255
DOI 10.1002/erv.570
Publications 2003
Socioeconomic patterning of smoking, sedentary lifestyle, and overweight status among adolescents in Norway and the United States
J Adolesc Health, 33 (4), 275-8
DOI 10.1016/s1054-139x(03)00214-3, PubMed 14519569
Receipt of psychological or emotional counseling by suicidal adolescents
Pediatrics, 111 (4 Pt 1), e388-93
DOI 10.1542/peds.111.4.e388, PubMed 12671157
Publications 2001
"I førsten var det kult, og så ble jeg avhengig": evaluering av "Røyksignaler"
In FAFO-notat, FAFO, Oslo, 2001:7, 46, 8 s.
BIBSYS 021437394
Adolescents' proxy reports of parents' socioeconomic status: How valid are they?
J Epidemiol Community Health, 55 (10), 731-7
DOI 10.1136/jech.55.10.731, PubMed 11553657
Publications 1999
Å leve med kronisk sykdom: resultater fra et forprosjekt blant voksne med astma og allergi
In FAFO-notat, FAFO, Oslo, 1999:13, 40 s.
BIBSYS 991800346
Social representations of smoking and attitudes towards smoking restrictions in the Norwegian Navy
Scand. J. Psychol., 40 (3), 187-196
DOI 10.1111/1467-9450.00116
Behovskartlegging i Oslopsykiatrien: kunnskapsstatus og utfordringer for videre forskning
In FAFO-notat, FAFO, Oslo, 1999:20, 66 s.
BIBSYS 000921114
Publications 1998
Social psychological approaches to smoking
Research Centre for Health Promotion (HEMIL), Faculty of Psychology, University of Bergen, Bergen, 1 b. (flere pag.)
BIBSYS 990862550, ISBN 82-995135-0-2
Smoking attributions and adolescents' intention to try to quit smoking
Addict. Res., 6 (1), 13-26
DOI 10.3109/16066359809008840
Rusbruk og foreldrerelasjoner gjennom ungdomsårene: en rapport til Folkhälsoinstitutet, Stockholm, Sverige
Universitetet i Bergen, HEMIL-senteret, [Bergen], 46 s.
BIBSYS 991344537, ISBN 82-7669-060-2
Publications 1997
[Smoking, body image and dieting habits among adolescents. A 3-year follow-up of adolescents aged 15-18 years]
Tidsskr Nor Laegeforen, 117 (23), 3342-6
PubMed 9411884
[Smoking, body image and reducing diet. A three-year follow-up of adolescents aged 15-18 years]
Nord Med, 112 (9), 334-8
PubMed 9424607
Publications 1996
[From experimentation to habitual smoking. A three-year follow-up study of smoking behavior of adolescents]
Tidsskr Nor Laegeforen, 116 (5), 635-8
PubMed 8658459