Department of Clinical Cancer Research (DCCR)

The Department of Clinical Cancer Research at Oslo University Hospital, is part of the Department of oncology and is one of the leading sites for clinical trials in Norway. Oslo University Hospital is also an accreditated Comprehensive Cancer Center.
The Department of Clinical Cancer Research is located at two of the hospital sites, The Radium hospital and Ullevål hospital.
Different experience and qualifications gathered in one department gives us the opportunity to perform clinical trials in all phases and with high quality. To benefit from the departments unique expertice, a study team with members from all professions represented is created once a clinical trial is confirmed to be conducted. Each study team member will have specified tasks predefined.
Employees Department of Clinical Cancer Research
Clinical Trials
The Department of Clinical Cancer Research can perform clinical trials in all phases of development, and have dedicated staff for early phase trials that require specific knowledge, experience and facilities.
We are one of the few sites in Scandinavia that has the expertise and resources to conduct trials of new cancer therapies being tested for the first time in humans.
Project management by the Clinical Trial Office gives us the opportunity to give research support in a systemathic and organized manner to all researchers in the Department of oncology, both for single- and multicenter, national-and international trials.
Pre-clinical development of new treatments is performed in laboratories by experimenting on isolated cells, tissue and in animal models at the Institute for cancer research. Drugs showing promising activities in the model systems are then tested out in the DDCR in translational clinical studies on patients with different cancer diagnosis.