Research by medical division
Cancer Medicine
Department of Oncology
Department of Clinical Cancer Research
Jon Amund Kyte
Group leader, Senior consultant; MD, PhD
+47 2293 50 46
Nikolai Kragøe Andresen
PhD student; MD
Signe Øien Fretland
Head of NorTrials coordinating unit; Cand. Pharm.
+47 918 70 735
Tormod Kyrre Guren
MD PhD Oncologist
+47 22935157
Geir Olav Hjortland
Consultant; MD, PhD
Responsible for: Neuroendocrine cancer
Marta Sølvi Nyakas
PhD student, consultant; MD
+47 22 78 18 49
Andreas Hagen Røssevold
PhD student; MD
Knut Halvor Bjøro Smeland
Consultant; MD, PhD
+47 916 94 247
Andreas Ullern
PhD student; MD
Elin Aamdal
Consultant; MD, PhD
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Department of Oncology
Department of Clinical Cancer Research
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