Ole Elvebakk

  • Researcher; PhD, MD

Publications 2022

Tronstad C, Pabst O, Amini M, Kleggetveit IP, Elvebakk O, Martinsen OG, Jenssen TG, Hisdal J, Berg TJ, Qvigstad E (2022)
Development of a prototype toe sensor for detection of diabetic peripheral small fiber neuropathy
Annu Int Conf IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc, 2022, 99-104
DOI 10.1109/EMBC48229.2022.9871101, PubMed 36086669

Publications 2021

Strand-Amundsen R, Tronstad C, Elvebakk O, Martinsen T, Dybwad M, Lingaas E, Tønnessen TI (2021)
Quantification of aerosol dispersal from suspected aerosol-generating procedures
ERJ Open Res, 7 (4)
DOI 10.1183/23120541.00206-2021, PubMed 34877350

Publications 2019

Andersen JH, Bjerke O, Blakaj F, Flugsrud VM, Jacobsen FA, Jonsson M, Kosaka EN, Langstrand PA, Martinsen ØG, Moen AS, Moen EQZ, Nystad ØK, Olesen E, Qureshi M, Risopatron VJØ, Ruud SK, Stensø N, Winje FL, Winness EV, Abie S, Joten VM, Tronstad C, Elvebakk O, Martinsen ØG (2019)
Bioimpedance and NIR for Non-invasive Assessment of Blood Glucose
J Electr Bioimpedance, 10 (1), 133-138
DOI 10.2478/joeb-2019-0019, PubMed 33584894

Aria S, Elfarri Y, Elvegård M, Gottfridsson A, Grønaas HS, Harang S, Jansen A, Madland TER, Martins IB, Olstad MW, Ryan TL, Shaban AN, Svenningsen ØL, Sørensen AD, Ulvestad EH, Vister OM, Øvergaard MB, Kalvøy H, Pettersen FJ, Odland HH, Joten VM, Martinsen ØG, Tronstad C, Elvebakk O, Martinsen ØG (2019)
Measuring Blood Pulse Wave Velocity with Bioimpedance in Different Age Groups
Sensors (Basel), 19 (4)
DOI 10.3390/s19040850, PubMed 30791368

Elvebakk O, Tronstad C, Birkeland KI, Jenssen TG, Bjørgaas MR, Frøslie KF, Godang K, Kalvøy H, Martinsen ØG, Gulseth HL (2019)
Author Correction: Evaluation of Hypoglycaemia with Non-Invasive Sensors in People with Type 1 Diabetes and Impaired Awareness of Hypoglycaemia
Sci Rep, 9 (1), 6347
DOI 10.1038/s41598-019-42218-6, PubMed 30988313

Elvebakk O, Tronstad C, Birkeland KI, Jenssen TG, Bjørgaas MR, Gulseth HL, Kalvøy H, Høgetveit JO, Martinsen ØG (2019)
A multiparameter model for non-invasive detection of hypoglycemia
Physiol Meas, 40 (8), 085004
DOI 10.1088/1361-6579/ab3676, PubMed 31357185

Tronstad C, Høgetveit JO, Elvebakk O, Kalvøy H (2019)
Age-related Differences in the Morphology of the Impedance Cardiography Signal
J Electr Bioimpedance, 10 (1), 139-145
DOI 10.2478/joeb-2019-0020, PubMed 33584895

Publications 2018

Elvebakk O, Tronstad C, Birkeland KI, Jenssen TG, Bjørgaas MR, Frøslie KF, Godang K, Kalvøy H, Martinsen ØG, Gulseth HL (2018)
Evaluation of Hypoglycaemia with Non-Invasive Sensors in People with Type 1 Diabetes and Impaired Awareness of Hypoglycaemia
Sci Rep, 8 (1), 14722
DOI 10.1038/s41598-018-33189-1, PubMed 30283093

Tronstad C, Elvebakk O, Staal OM, Kalvøy H, Høgetveit JO, Jenssen TG, Birkeland KI, Martinsen ØG (2018)
Non-invasive prediction of blood glucose trends during hypoglycemia
Anal Chim Acta, 1052, 37-48
DOI 10.1016/j.aca.2018.12.009, PubMed 30685040

Publications 2017

Tronstad C, Elvebakk O, Kalvoy H, Bjorgaas MR, Martinsen OG (2017)
Detection of sympathoadrenal discharge by parameterisation of skin conductance and ECG measurement
Annu Int Conf IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc, 2017, 3997-4000
DOI 10.1109/EMBC.2017.8037732, PubMed 29060773

Publications 2011

Høgetveit JO, Saatvedt K, Norum H, Kristiansen F, Elvebakk O, Dahle G, Geiran OR (2011)
Central venous catheters may be a potential source of massive air emboli during vascular procedures involving extracorporeal circulation: an experimental study
Perfusion, 26 (4), 341-6
DOI 10.1177/0267659111403644, PubMed 21558301