User fees
User Fees. Electron microscopy is in general time-consuming methods requiring high competence personnel. All assistance from core facility staff, such as samples preparation is charged an hourly fee of 500 NOK/hour. For Helse-Sør-Øst users the fee is 100-200 NOK/hour for the use of a microscope. Academic users outside of Helse Sør-Øst are charged an additional 50% on the above fees, while non-academic users are charged an additional 100%.
Small package. For straight forward projects employing either epon-embedding and ultrastructural characterization or immunolabelling of cryosections we can offer a package deal including specimen preparation of up to 5 samples, sectioning, immunolabelling and microscopy. The price for such an experiment is 10- 25 000 NOK which covers up to 40 service hours in addition to materials and use of instruments.
User training. For users who would like to get a deeper insight into the ultrastructure of their samples or reduce the cost of using electron microscopy we recommend that the used executes the microscopy themselves. Our Jeol 1230 TEM is strait forward to use. After completion of training on this instrument it can be booked through our online booking system at a cost of only 100 NOK/hour.
Large package. For larger or more complicated projects requiring advanced methods such as tomography and additional image processing and analysis the prices can surmount to 3-4 times a small package and a closer agreement on price can be negotiated.
Acknowledgement. We require that all users will acknowledge the contribution by the core facility in any publications using work executed by the core facility. We kindly ask that the following sentence or similar is used: The Core Facility for Electron Microscopy at Oslo University Hospital is acknowledged for ultrastructural studies.