

JEOL 1230 (120 kV TEM)

Resolution, nm: 0.34
Filament: Tungsten
Voltage, kV: 40-120
Magnification: 80x-500 000x
Camera: Morada

(click to enlarge)


High resolution for 3D insight. The Thermo Scientific™ Talos™ TEM is a powerful, versatile electron system for delivering 3D characterization of biological and biomaterials samples in cell biology, structural biology, and nanotechnology research.

The system's constant-power, C-Twin lens delivers outstanding optical performance to help ensure an optimal balance of contrast and resolution.

Resolution: 0.30 nm (TEM)
Filament: C-FEG
Voltage, kV: 20-200
Magnification: 600x-500 000x
Camera: Ceta CMOS 16M (4k x4k) 

Location: DNR-J4021 

Contact: 2278 1212


Microtomes and other equipment

Leica HPM 010 High-pressure freezer

A high pressure freezing system  for vitrifying samples up to 200µm in thickness.

Leica Freeze Substitution
Leica Ultracut UCT with Leica EM FCS (cryochamber for low temperature sectioning) (click to enlarge)
GFP-light source for microtome UCT
Leica Ultracut UCT (click to enlarge)