Welcome to the KLM TempAwareGroup

The KLM TempAwareGroup is an interest organization dedicated to support PhDs, Postdocs, and temporary scientific employees at Oslo University Hospital (OUH) and the University of Oslo (UiO). Our group is comprised of representatives from each of the seven departments within the Division of Laboratory Medicine (Klinikk for Laboratoriemedisin, KLM).

What We Do:

Support and Assistance: We serve as an accessible contact point for temporary staff, including PhDs and Postdocs, on issues related to education, supervision, regulations, and the working environment.

Representation: We represent the interests of PhD candidates, Postdocs, and temporary employees at the KLM Research Committee (Forskningsutvalget, FU). This committee, which includes the heads of research for each of the KLM departments, discusses critical issues affecting the clinic. We participate in these meetings to provide valuable input.

Collaboration: We work closely with representatives at MedDocs (UiO) and Forskerforbundet.

Events and Networking: We organize a variety of events, from scientific and social gatherings to soft skills workshops. These events offer low threshold networking opportunities, fostering a sense of community among temporary employees at KLM.

Join us to connect, collaborate, and thrive in your academic and professional journey at KLM.

KLM TempAwareGroup representatives

Department of Immunology – Runa Ingrunsdotter Løberg

Department of Medical Biochemistry – Sander Johannes Thorbjørnsen Guttorm

Department of Medical Genetics – Ina Skaara Brorson

Department of Microbiology – Emma Lång

Department of Pathology – Håvard Lindholm

Department of Pharmacology - Mirjam Dürkoop

Department of Forensic sciences – Ragnhild Jamt

Upcoming events in spring 2024


Scientific writing course led by Kari Skinningsrud from Limwric, Tuesday 4th of June.

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