Camilla Raiborg has defended her thesis "Hrs makes receptors silent. A key to endosomal protein sorting"

The disputation took place March 15th in the Auditorium at the Norwegian Radium Hospital.
The evaluation committee was very impressed by the quality of the work and
the candidate's performance at the disputation. The following remarks are taken from the conclusion from their statement about the thesis:
"The Dissertation focuses on a central theme in cell biology, the sorting of endocytosed proteins. The common denominator in the thesis is the Hrs and during the project several components were shown to cooperate with Hrs in the sorting process: clathrin, STAM, Eps15, AIP4 etc. The work is well planned and the methods used are excellent and always up-to-date and adapted to the problems investigated. The results presented in the five articles give novel, solid and detailed information about molecular mechanisms involved in sorting and targeting of endocytosed proteins. The dissertation is a major contribution to novel insight into receptor-downregulation. "
Read the complete statement from the evaluation committe here
Visit the web page of Harald Stenmark's group to read more about the subjects covered in the thesis.
A summary from Camilla Raiborg of the findings in the thesis: