

  • NORDSTEN and MODIC studies/Biopsy study of Modic changes, include most spine surgical departments and out patient clinic in phys med & rehab, and some spine out patient clinics (reuma in Norway). Further Radiological departments at OUH, AHUS and Haukeland University Hospital, Departments of Microbiology, Pathology and Medical Genetics, OUH
  • Thomas Natvik, Haukeland University Hospital, derformity register
  • Erik Aunan, Lillehammer
  • SIMEG (Sacro iliac medical expert group); leader Thomas Kibsgård
  • The Norwegian Registry for spine surgery


  • Helena Brisby, Dept. of Orthopaedics, Sahlgrenska University Hospital, Sweden
  • Bungo Otsuki, Kyoto Nakagyo Ward, Japan
  • Paul Gerhem, Karolinska sjukhuset, Stockholm, Sweden
  • Fredrik Stromqvist, Orthopaedic dept., Skåne University Hospital, Sweden