Skin- and head and neck cancer

Group leader
The principal aim of the research performed in the research group for skin and head and neck cancer is to enhance the knowledge and improve diagnostic, treatment and follow-up care for patients diagnosed with head and neck cancer and skin cancer.
In Norway, around 800 patients are diagnosed with head and neck cancer per year (CIN 2021). Around 60% of these patients are referred to Oslo University Hospital for treatment. Patients that are candidates for radiotherapy and or systemic treatment is referred to the Section for head and neck cancer at Radiumhospitalet. The large number of patients admitted, together with OUS being one of the largest radiotherapy facilities in the world, gives us a unique opportunity to conduct high quality clinical research.
Our activities cover a broad range of studies including methodological studies, clinical trials and observational studies within radiotherapy and systemic treatment, and studies on late effects and follow-up care. We have self-initiated academic multicentre studies, academic and commissioned studies. The group is multidisciplinary and collaborate with other departments in the hospital, basal researchers at the Cancer Research Institute, and with other institutions nationally and internationally. In 2022, we have 15 ongoing studies, 7 studies closed for inclusion with ongoing analyses and presentation of results, and 2 studies that are planned. We have two patient representatives in the research group that has been involved in many of the projects.
Group leader: Cecilie Delphin Amdal, email