Velkommen til Symposium for Progressiv Fibroserende Lungesykdom 20 mars 2020. For mer informasjon klikk her
Prices 2019
Best abstract award 2019 at International Transplantoux symposium, Leuven, Belgium:
PhD student Mariann Ulvestad “High intensity training after Lung Transplantation”
Prices 2018
Best original article 2018 in Respiratory Medicine, Norwegian Respiratory Society for the papers:
1) Liv Ingunn Bjoner Sikkeland «Systemic and Airway Inflammation after Exposure to Fumes from Military Small Arms» Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2018. 15;197(10):1349-1353
2) Are Martin Holm. Lung transplantation after allogeneic stem cell transplantation: a pan-European experience. Eur Respir J. 2018 Feb 14;51(2).
Best Case Report 2018 at Norwegian Respiratory Society annual meeting:
MD Phuong Phuong Diep "55 år gammel mann med beinmargssvikt".
Prices 2017
Best lecturer 2017 at Norwegian Respiratory Society annual meeting:
Liv Ingunn Bjoner Sikkeland “Kuler, krutt og lunger”
Prices 2016
Best original article 2016 in Respiratory Medicine, Norwegian Respiratory Society for the paper:
Liv Ingunn Bjoner Sikkeland «Sputum neutrophils are elevated in smelter workers, and systemic neutrophils are
associated with rapid decline in FEV1» Occup Environ Med.
2016 Jul;73(7):459-66
Best Case Report 2016 at Norwegian Respiratory Society annual meeting
MD Martine Marcussen
Prices 2015
Best Case Report 2015 at Norwegian Respiratory Society annual meeting
MD Oda Strand
Are Holm new chair of the Nordic Thoracic Transplantation Study Group (NTTSG)
Are Holm, associate professor, was elected chair of the Nordic Thoracic Transplantation Study Group (NTTSG). NTTSG is a Nordic collaborative group under Scandia Transplant.
Lungeavdelingen 60 år 2015
13:00-13:25 Johny Kongerud: Lungeavdelingen på Rikshospitalet, en viktig avdeling for hele landet. Perspektiver på klinikk og forskning.
13:25-13:50 May Brit Lund: Uten legene og ”labben” ingen Lungeavdeling.
13:50-14:15 Aina Presthus: Sykepleierne er alltid tilstede.
14:15-14:30 Pause. Servering av kaffe/te og frukt
14:30-14:55 Arve Sundset: Intervensjoner i luftveiene, avansert og vanskelig rørleggerarbeid.
14:55-15:20 Lars Fjellbirkeland: Kan lungekreft helbredes?
15:20-15:40 Pause. Servering av kaffe/te og kaker
Lungetransplantasjoner i 25 år
15:40-16:10 Øystein Bjørtuft: Lungetransplantasjon. Fra utprøvende behandling til vellykket og viktig virksomhet.
16:10-16:40 Kirsten Kongshaug: Lungetransplantasjon – en behandling som krever et bredt samarbeid.
16:40-17:00 Pause.
17:00-17:30 Are Holm: Prioritering for lungetransplantasjon: hva synes dere?
17:30-18:00 Inga Leuckfeld: En landsfunksjon i utvikling.
Jubileumsmiddag på Grefsenkollen Restaurant kl 19:00.
NLC2015 Nordic Lung Congress 2015
It is our pleasure to invite you to the 47th Nordic Lung Congress in Oslo, 11-13 June, 2015. This congress will give you a great opportunity to keep in touch with your Nordic colleagues and develop your clinical and scientific network at a short distance from your daily practice.
For more information check out our webpage:
Professor Johny Kongerud. Chair of the 47th NLC
Liv Ingunn B. Sikkeland. Congress Manager of the 47th NLC
Johny Kongerud has received LHL's COPD award 2013
Johny Kongerud, Professor and Head of the Respiratory Department-OUS, has received LHL's COPD award 2013. LHL is the Norwegian Heart and Lung Patient Organization He received this award because of his achievement in research of occupational asthma and COPD (read more).