Public Defence August 22, 2024: Kristin Alm-Kruse

Kristin Alm-Kruse
Kristin Alm-Kruse

Trial lecture “Effects of advance care planning and “Do Not Resuscitate” decisions – meaningful multilevel outcome measures and their potential use”. 
Time and place: Aug. 22, 2024 10:15 AM, Store auditorium (bygg 6), Ullevål sykehus, Kirkeveien 166, Oslo

Public Defence “Using the Norwegian Cardiac Arrest Registry for studies of out-of-hospital cardiac arrest. Assessing data quality, treatment outcomes and healthcare use” for the degree of PhD (Philosophiae Doctor).
Time and place: Aug. 22, 2024 1:15 PM, Store auditorium (bygg 6), Ullevål sykehus, Kirkeveien 166, Oslo

See also: Public Defence: Kristin Alm-Kruse - Institute of Clinical Medicine (

Lars wins this year's innovation award for LARS

Lars Wik
Lars Wik

Lars Wik, employed at Prehospital Clinic, has won this year's Innovation Award from Inven2 for the invention LARS. This is a great recognition for Wik, which already has several licenses for inventions. He is touched and proud of winning the award.

LARS, which stands for LONGITUDINAL ADJUSTABLE RESUSCITATION SYSTEM, is a new type of mechanical chest compression machine attachment device used on people with cardiac arrest. It differs from current devices by being attached lengthwise to the body instead of across the chest. This solves several challenges, such as the fact that current devices do not fit very thin or overweight people, and that they are in the way of medical examinations.

Writing retreat 8-13. September 2024

Stay: The retreat will be held at Søstrene Storaas, located 20 minutes from Kongsberg. The check-in starts from 15:00 on Sunday, with check out on Friday at 11:00. The hotel's amenities include an abundant kitchen garden, walking areas, and individually themed rooms. There are great walking areas around the hotel, and a lake 200 meters away. All rooms have desks. 

The retreat: We begin on Sunday afternoon with a participant introduction session, and a kick-start on the writing program. The program will run Monday to Friday with scheduled writing and lecture times. The program includes “shut-up-and-write” sessions, a supervisor forum as well as technical workshops. The title of the lectures will be announced closer to the retreat. 

Mona Guterud honored with Newcomer Award for advancing prehospital stroke treatment

Mona Guterud
Mona Guterud

Prehospital treatment is of great importance for the outcome of patients and is receiving increasing research attention. This year's Newcomer Award winner, Mona Guterud, was honored at the research seminar for Division of Emergencies and Critical Care and the Divison of Prehospital Services at Oslo University Hospital, February 14th.

Mona Guterud, along with her team, has been recognized for their contribution in addressing the need for clinical decision tools to assess acute prehospital strokes. Their research project titled "Prehospital screening of acute stroke with the National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale (ParaNASPP)" conducted a stepped-wedge, cluster-randomized controlled trial. The results of their study were published in Lancet Neurology, showcasing the effectiveness of their approach.

Per Olav Berve disputerte 1. februar 2024

Overlege og spesialist i anestesi, Per Olav Berve, Luftambulanseavdelingen Prehospital klinikk, Oslo universitetssykehus (OUS), forsvarte sin doktorgradsavhandling "Improving haemodynamics and ventilation monitoring during cardiopulmonary resuscitation. Lessons learned from clinical studies" den 1. februar.

Berves forskning har fokusert på gjenoppliving ved hjertestans (HLR), ved å forbedre overvåkingen av blodsirkulasjon og respirasjon under prosessen, og å teste ut effekten av aktiv dekompresjon med en brystkompresjonsmasking i en klinisk studie.