Funding and collaborators


Among others:

  • South-Eastern Regional Health Authority, Norway
  • National Program for Clinical Treatment Research in the Specialist Health Service (KLINBEFORSK)
  • The Dam Foundation
  • Michael J. Fox Foundation
  • The Norwegian Health Association
  • Norwegian Parkinson Research Fund
  • University of Oslo

Most important collaborators


  • Haukeland University Hospital, Bergen with NeuroSysMed and Prof. Charalampos Tzoulis
  • Marianne Fyhn and Torkel Hafting, Institute of Basic Medical Sciences, UiO
  • Prof. Ole Andreassen, UiO, and the DemGene Consortium
  • Andreas Lossius, Institute of Basic Medical Sciences, UiO
  • Close day-to-day collaboration with the Movement, neuromuscular disease and ALS group


  • International Parkinson Disease Genetics Consortium (IPDGC)
  • Global Parkinson’s Genetics Program (GP2)
  • COURAGE-PD consortium
  • Genetic Modifiers of Huntington’s Disease (GeM-HD) Consortium
  • Prof. Wilma van der Berg, Amsterdam University Medical Center, Netherlands
  • Prof. Jon Mill, University of Exeter, UK
  • Prof. Owen Ross, Mayo Clinic, USA
  • Prof. Henry Houlden, University College London, UK
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